What if Nazi Germany had Created the Atomic Bomb first ?

I always wondered what would the world be like today if the Germans had launched the first Atomic bomb instead.
A pair of German and US historians say they have found the only known diagram for the nuclear bomb that Nazi scientists strived to build during World War II.

The pair says the rough schematic does not imply that the Nazis built or even were close to building a nuclear bomb, but it shows they had progressed farther toward that goal than is conventionally thought.
The article appears in the June issue of the British monthly Physics World.
in which many scientists claim that the Nazis had successfully tested a primitive nuclear device in the last days of World War II as Allied troops were closing in on both sides, but the thing i am not sure about is WHERE did they test it, and surely more people would be able to confirm that they nazis tested one, because it’s a nuclear bomb for goodness sake, you cant miss one. :lol:

The schematic diagram for a German atomic bomb was discovered by Rainer Karlsch early in 2005.

Horrible destruction, thats what.

Very true S.A.M, if the nazi’s had that mass of power they would of at least wiped half of the worlds population out.

maybe they would build concentration camp in the remote area used that to test their nukes, sad but could be true

How? With what delivery system?

the nuclear warheads would be fitted on v-2 missles. they would destroy the allied forces in france and devastate britain. and make those countries very radioactive.

But the range of the V2 does not cover 1/2 the world’s population!

But the range of the V2 does not cover 1/2 the world’s population![/quote]

yeah, but im talking about winning the war.

Europe is too small to test a Nuclear weapon of any kind, someone would be bound to hear it and/or see the flashes… The only way they could test it would be like… In an indoor contained facility, but that doesnt really work out now does it? By the way, Germany had countless weapons that were designed but never tested, I bet you each 100 Bucks this is the case.
Either that, or it never exploded LoL.

Yes man of stoat :roll: , this is IF the germans had won the war , then they would of easily built v-2’s with nukes attached in other countries and bomb from there.

Riiight. With a range of 300km? Even if they won the war, they STILL couldn’t get 50% of the world’s population under their V2 umbrella from territory taken.

You’re quite good at making outrageous claims, CJ - this one is on a par with your (easily disprovable) claim about the Aussies suffering 80% dead in WW2.

The other question would be WHY would they use nukes just to kill 1/2 the world’s population?

The initial premise of this thread was interesting,although the answer is obvious - “use them”. It has, however, rapidly descended into dullardic claims of wiping out 1/2 the world’s population using nuclear-tipped V2s with no real justification or explanation.

Riiight. With a range of 300km? Even if they won the war, they STILL couldn’t get 50% of the world’s population under their V2 umbrella from territory taken.

You’re quite good at making outrageous claims, CJ - this one is on a par with your (easily disprovable) claim about the Aussies suffering 80% dead in WW2.

The other question would be WHY would they use nukes just to kill 1/2 the world’s population?

The initial premise of this thread was interesting,although the answer is obvious - “use them”. It has, however, rapidly descended into dullardic claims of wiping out 1/2 the world’s population using nuclear-tipped V2s with no real justification or explanation.[/quote]

First of all there are records confirmed of the nazi’s future after they had won the war , simular to the things i have been saying.
you say i have outrageous claims which infact i know when you dissaprove with everything i have ever said even if it is the truth.
i have never seen any positive or agreeing posts from you mate.

Thats mean goodbye london,moscow ,kairo,hitler he is been mad who know what he can do ,with nukes.

You kicked off in this forum by being a pro-Communist troll, defending an evil ideology which caused the deaths of est. 95,000,000 worldwide in the 20th century. This was not a good start.

You then say ridiculous things like your claim that the Australian army suffered 80% killed. This is just plain incorrect. You seem to have been quite quiet about this since the actual stats were posted (Ferrous-chap style).

You also just make brash statements and never post anything to back them up (Ferrous-chap style [spotting a pattern here?]).

So excuse me if I like to see a little intellectual rigourousness in this forum rather than plain dullardy, which I can find anywhere.

In this particular case, if it was the Nazi aim to kill 1/2 the world’s population with nukes if they had developped them, post some evidence of this.

Man of Stoat…when i first came into this site, yes, i said i think the communist ideal would work if it was propally used without poverty, i didn’t mean to offend you, because thats not my style.

Sources indicate anywhere from 25,000 to 35,000 Australians died in total.
The Australian War Memorial lists the totals as 19,235 battle-related deaths and 20,194 non-battle-related deaths in World War 2.

The Australian Army size was roughly 50,000… which means 80% Mate, and i read that in the Time Magazine.
Now if you dont believe me that’s ok but i dont want to be enemies with you, so you and I, peace ok mate ? :smiley: ???

The Australian Nominal Roll for WW2 has 845,000 records of personnel serving in the Army (http://www.ww2roll.gov.au/doc/about.asp)

Where do you get the 50,000 figure from? It’s wrong, by a factor or more than 10!

I never make up stuff or lie, though that 80% was from Time magazine, but ill take your word for it ok?
So friends ? :slight_smile:

OK, friends, but it’s not a question of taking my word for it - I’ve provided 2 sources which disprove your 50,000 figure by a factor >10.

Only problem is that this diagram is clearly post war. And that this bomb would never work. Why?

Post war, because they used the word “Plutonium”. The word Plutonium is an American designation for this metal. It was discovered and named in 1941 in the US. At this time all nuclear research in the US was already top secret, so it is impossible that the Germans would have learned, even more used this name. It is quite possible that the Germans independently discovered the metal as well, but they would have given it a different name, like “Element 94”. It is extremely unlikely that the Germans would have used the American term.

Secondly, one big problem the American Manhattan project faced was that while you could use a gun type bomb (as in the drawing) with U235, because Pu has a much higher rate of spontaneous neutron release than U235. If the gun principle would be used for a Pu bomb, the reaction would start too early, forcing the core appart, with most of the material not having reacted (nuclear fizzle).
The reason why the Americans built two Pu bombs and only one U235 bomb was because it is so difficult and time consuming to enrich enough U235, they only had enough for one bomb in summer 1945. Pu239 can be bred in large amounts in reactors out of U238, but purification (esp. seperation of Pu240) is highly difficult as is the handling and machining of the material.
The only way to get a Pu based nuclear fission bomb to explode is by using the implosion principle, which requires very complicated physics, especially of shock waves.
