"What if" scenarios

Is the a possibility to create a “what if” thread as something I would be interested in would be a “what if” scenario of Japan as a democratic state in the 1930s that Aligns itself with Britain and France whilst America vers towards Nazi Germany as a result of failure of FDRs New Deal after FDR dies of a heart attack after 50 days in office and the VP his sucessor makes a hash of things. Wendel Wilkie the Republican politician is assassinated by a Jewish Communist. We end up in September 1939 with Joseph Kennedy as President of the USA and no military supplies being sent from America to the UK and France if they go to war as America will enforce strict neutrality. Hitler invades Poland September 1939 UK declares War on Germany and Japan declares War on Germany under the mutual assistance provision of Japan British Imperial Defence Treaty. I think this would be a cracker as one could e.g. get the Japanese Carrier battle group to intervene in support of the allied landing in Norway, have the Japanese Army try to stop the Blitzkrieg in France. Zeroes versus Me Bf 109s in the battle of Britain. The battleshup Yamoto in the hunt for the Bismarck. etc etc.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Oh dear. This reads like a Jorge Luis Borges story! :smiley:


Whew…that gave me a headache. I like history the way it was:D.

hard to follow but im dont think it would go down in order for this to happen there would have to been a spectacular revolution in japan in 37

For “what if” questions, I suggest going somewhere like http://www.alternatehistory.com rather than here…

Hi, I am after putting up as a thread in the WW2 General section, if Mods have any problem with it just kill it (nb I put it up before I saw your suggestion pdf27).

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Yes you would be right in history as was but in this alternative history, Hitler has decided that the Japanese are one of lost tribes of Israel and has lined them up as being next on the list after he has dealt with Europe’s Jews, for “special measures”. Which the Japanese are not too happy about, understandably.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

No problems with it, I just think you’ll get far better and more realistic answers there than here. The fiction writing on the boards is pretty good too (mainly in the Writer’s Forum board - “AH.com - the Series” is particularly funny).