(What if series) Hitler gets power earlier

Do you think he would start war earlier than 1939? Maybe even earlier than 1930?

Hitler had started the war early, he didn’t intend to start the war until after 39. So I think the war would have started around 39 but with a much more advanced force to begin with had Hitler gained power early. Remember though, if he had come to power early he would have still needed to deal with the depression.

Also had he tried to break the Treaty of Versailles early or later would Britain and France still have stuck with their choice of appeasement?

I belive the original intention was to start the war in '45.

Let’s look at situation in 1933 first.
“When Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany in January 1933, some such as the British historian Sir Lewis Namier argued that Piłsudski sounded out Poland’s ally, France, regarding the possibility of joint military action against Germany, which had been openly rearming in violation of the Versailles Treaty. When France declined, Piłsudski was compelled to sign a non-aggression pact with Germany in January 1934.
However, this argument that the German-Polish non-aggression pact had been forced on Piłsudski by French refusal to wage a “preventive war” on Nazi Germany has been disputed by many other historians who point out that there is no evidence in either the French or Polish diplomatic archives that such an offer was made. In late October 1933 rumours of Polish “preventive war” proposal were reported in Paris. The source of these rumours were the Polish Embassy, which informed French reporters that Poland had proposed a “preventive war” to France and Belgium. By this time, Poland and Germany were already secretly negotiating the non-aggression pact. It has been argued that Piłsudski had the Polish Embassy start rumours of a “preventive war” being considered as a way of pressuring the Germans, who were demanding that the Poles abrogate the Franco-Polish alliance of 1921. As it was, the non-aggression pact specifically excluded the Franco-Polish alliance. It has been argued that Piłsudski’s reasons for seeking a non-aggression pact with Germany was due to his concerns over the Maginot Line. Up to 1929, French plans in the event of war with Germany called for an French offensive onto the North German plain in conjunction with offensives from Poland and Czechoslovakia. The building of the Maginot Line, which was started in 1929, strongly indicated that henceforward, in the event of war with Germany, the French Army would maintain a strictly defensive position, and that France’s eastern allies were going to be on their own (if true, Piłsudski’s succesfully predicted the future: this is what in fact happened in the 1939 with the Phony War). Thus, from Piłsudski’s viewpoint, in light of France’s military plans, a non-aggression pact with Germany was the best option under the circumstances.”

Above was article from Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jozef_Pilsudski

Look at sentence which I enlightened in bold.
This indicates that if Hitler would start rearming Germany, say in 1924, France would most probably launch pre-emptive strike together with Poland. I doubt if Czechoslovakia would join this alliance.
If done immediately Hitler would have no chance.

"France itself was economically healthy until 1933 but structurally still inferior to Germany. With its low birthrate and high war casualties, France expected to fall behind even further. In the mid-thirties a severe shortage of recruits had to be expected. These were the so-called années creuses, the hollow years. In this period the children born during the First World War would come of age, and the boys would join the army. The birth cohorts of 1914-1918, however, were so small that France’s army would for several years suffer a severe lack of men. To make matters worse, France could not rely on strong foreign help to keep Germany unarmed and powerless for all times. The United States was not much interested in European affairs. Britain also seemed less interested in Europe than in overseas problems. Italy had never been happy with the postwar order and – since 1922 under Mussolini’s leadership – was more inclined to revise the order of Versailles than to guarantee it. The only reliable allies of France, Poland and Czechoslovakia, seemed too weak in the long run to help France subdue a newly self-assertive Germany. "

You can find full article here:http://www.colby.edu/personal/r/rmscheck/GermanyE2.html

Let’s keep discussion based on these facts.
It would help if you establish firmly in which year Hitler gained power.
