What if the Germans won the war

I have been thinking about this for a long time. What if the germans won WWII? What would the outcome of the world be? If you have any ideas post here!

history would repeat itself, As it has with all Empires. the Empire of the 3rd Reich would eventually stagnate, decline, and crumble. Entropy is the only undying Monarch.

Alternate histories are a facsinating, endless topic.

It’s a good thing they didn’t win…I don’t speak German.

I would possibly be a middle rank officer somewhere on a nice little post in the carribean or the pacific atolls and you would be my subordinates hrhr :wink:

This alternate history scenario usually concentrates on what the Allies would do.

What about the Axis?

How long would the Germans tolerate the ambitious but incompentent Italians?

How long would it take for the Japanese to realise that the Germans held them in contempt as an inferior race?

What Axis powers had control of which resources? e.g. Japan had almost all the rubber and most of the tin in the world. Then we get into wolfram etc, not to mention China and its resources.

The odds are that even if Germany won the war in Europe, there was going to be another war within the Axis in time.

In your dreams, mate. :smiley:

The Japs wouldn’t let you anywhere near the Pacific in any permanent role.

They’d tolerate you as an ally, but if you want to know how they’d really like to treat you just read up on how they treated, say, the Dutch from the NEI.

How about we define the scenario a little more precisely and then all those interested could summ up their ideas (this time I’ll even try a serious answer, hihi).
Let’s say Germany somehow miraculously manages to pull of Sealion, the british sue for peace and without hope for western aid stalin signs a bitter peace (like in hoi2) later in 41. That would leave us in say october '41 with a victorious germany in europe and no US involvement. Now we could make up a timetable till today where some geeks hang out in the weltweitnetz and talk about the hypothetical “What if the allies won” scenario :mrgreen:

i dont think the reich could possibly last for more than 10 years or so, first of all hitler would have a hell of a time slugging it out through areas of N. America like the Canadian wilderness or the Rocky Mountains against the guerrilla warfare which would be sure to follow a nazi invasion of america. Also if hitler could rule the world, i think constant revolutions which would arise in places like America and England combined with the fact that the german populace would eventually grow tired of thousands of dead germans every year would be enough for nazi germany to destroy itself.

Just to put a twist on things, and considering the historic role of the Papacy and the Vatican in world events, I would expect that after awhile, the Vatican would succeed in deposing, or liquidating Hitler, in order to retain their own power, and control in the world.

Quote: “I dont think the reich could possibly last for more than 10 years or so, first of all hitler would have a hell of a time slugging it out through areas of N. America like the Canadian wilderness or the Rocky Mountains against the guerrilla warfare which would be sure to follow a nazi invasion of america.”

I do not believe that the Axis would have the power in men, and materiel to mount an effective or viable land invasion of the contiental U.S. The land mass is just too large, and the well armed,an irate citizenry would harry, and hound them to death. The Axis would need to have Nuclear capabilities in order to force a surrender. Otherwise, it would prove a futile venture.
As with Russia, our industrial power would continue to operate to supply the fighters, and that would be the U.S. military, coast guard, merchant marine, reserves, and national guardsman and about any able man and woman available. And a scorched Earth policy would also leave the attackers without anything to work with.
The Axis supply lines would be attacked constantly, and could not keep any re-supply effort going for long. The Great lakes would be of no use to them particulaily during the colder months, as the stormy conditions on the lakes are too dangerous for the ships of the time,(the lakes are far worse than the oceans in terms of severe weather.) as the St. Lawrence seaway would not be there until the 50’s, and the Mississippi River is not deep enough to handle any but the most shallow draft boats.Also, The greatlakes area was, at the time the industrial center of the U.S. and would be safe from most attacks being too far inland to reach with the aircraft of the time.
The Axis would take some areas,and be able to hold them for awhile, but it would be hopeless for them in the long term without some type of operational, and deliverable super weapon. Just my thoughts…

Where did you get the idea of a cross ocean invasion anyway? Why on earth should Germany attack the US, I even doubt that Pearl Harbour would still be on the timetable as there is absolutely no reason for that anymore. The US would stay isolationist happily ever after, sitting on the Monroe doctrin. Possibly a cold war scenario with 3 poles instead of two would be my bet in the long run. And given the fact that there were many pro nazi people in the US prior to the war I can even imagine, that the US and a german dominated Europe would have pretty close ties pretty fast again (at least economically anyway), with the Japanese Empire considered as the real outsider and threat.

@overlord: lol, couple of thousand dead each year, yeah that would turn the tide in Nazy Germany in the long run :rolleyes:
You cannot apply todays US standards to one of the most life disdaining dictatorships in history.

Although I dont remember the Title, but there was a book on this subject, from the viewpoint of a "modern " german official, Hitler’s 75 birthday was approaching, and the world map showed most of Europe and much of the worlds smaller nations were under German control. Asia, and the Americas were not, and perhaps the U.K. as well, but it was interesting to read it. Maybe someone out there knows the title.

I think that movie was “fatherland”.

Thank you P.K. it was a good read, which is about all I remember about it, some illustrations etc. So I recommend it to anyone who really wants to look into “what if”.

Ummm… just remember everyone that by 1947 the US would have had intercontinental nuclear-capable bombers (the B-36 - which was effectively uninterceptable until the advent of the MiG-17) and several hundred nuclear devices (assuming they kept to their original production plans rather than shutting down their plants after the surrender of Japan as they did historically to rebuild them to peacetime standards of safety).
That gives them the capability to effectively destroy Germany in a single day, sometime in summer 1947. That effectively sets a timeframe in which the Germans have to knock the UK out of the war, build a fleet capable of dominating the atlantic in the face of the USN and RCN (by 1945 the biggest and third biggest navies in the world respectively), build an amphibious fleet capable of launching an invasion several times the size of D-Day, successfully land in the US and then carry out a large enough invasion to knock the US out of the war.

Short of Lindbergh being elected president I really can’t see any possible way this could happen.

Would you mind to describe the global situation in which your scenario takes place, cause I can’t see the relevance in mine.

Any scenario where the US and Germany end up at war. Frankly, I really don’t think Hitler was smart enough to keep out of a war with the US in conditions of conquering Europe. The British Empire would almost certainly have fought on, and were the Germans to engage Canada anywhere west of mid-atlantic that would probably bring the US into the war.

The only hope of a Thousand-Year Reich is either not to start a war in the first place or to ensure the US remains a friendly neutral. The latter requires IMHO a far smarter leader than Hitler ever was.

Besides, this is an exercize in contrivance, you know, what if? doesnt have to make any particular sense, or adhere to any manner of reason, or basis of fact.

I’ll give you that, Germany was never a thread to any country on american soil, but neither was the US to a victorious Germany in Europe. Hitler wouldn’t care less, if the Empire “fought on” if he somehow managed to invade Britain and defeat Russia. There would be a state of war without any serious fight. Why would Hitler declare war on the US if he had nothing to gain. In our timeline he basically declared war, because he was hoping Japan would return the favor and he thought it would happen anyway, given the ongoing struggle. And while the US government was hostile to nazi germany I can’t see the senate backing Roosevelt in an attempted declaration of war if they fight Japan.

Ummm… there was probably not a threat of conventional invasion, no. However, the US would have had the capability to utterly destroy Germany using nuclear weapons from about mid-1947 onwards. In reality of course this capability was aimed against the Soviets, but it was very much a real capability and had the US found itself in a war with Germany then it may very well have been used.

The real kicker in this is that there is no way the Germans would have any idea of this capability - the B-36 was massively more capable at high altitude than any other aircraft before the mid-1950s and effectively immune from interception until then, but until the US started to use it the Germans wouldn’t have any idea it was a threat. Also, the bunch of clowns running the German nuclear programme (thankfully) caused the Nazis to think that nuclear weapons were impossible. The combination of the two means that even if the US does give Germany an ultimatum, it will be ignored as they won’t believe in the threat. Furthermore, the Germans will think they are secure inside Festung Europa and not see the need to make peace with the US. That’s very, very bad news for Germany.