What is a combat turn?

Reading a book on Soviet WWII fighter aircraft, the altitude gain during a “combat turn” is mentioned, not as a measure of climb, but as a “virtue” (some English close lost in my dusty vocabulary) in itself. It would typically be 800-900m (-3000ft) for 1941 prototypes to 1500m (5000ft) for the late war Yakolev prototypes.

A 1500m height gain for a late war Yak would take at least a minute.
A 360deg turn would take about 18seconds (conditions not specified.

This leaves me with few clues to what a COMBAT TURN is…

Sounds awfully like an Immelman turn… Just without the politicaly unsound German name!

I don’t know if it’s the Immelman, it may just be a wording issue. Anyways, anyone know what a “cobra” maneuver is? :slight_smile:

If it’s the one they use to demo the Su-27, google is your friend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pugachev’s_Cobra

Combat turn usially was meaning the VErtical 180 degrees turn of aircraft from horzontal flying with maximum speed in single plane with increasing altitude i.e at up

Yep, that’s known as an Immelman turn to the rest of the world after the German what invented it :smiley:

Is the combat turn a useful measure of anything; I thought the Immelmann turn was about gaining an immediate tactical advantage, not climbing away for a minute and then head back and see how it´s going…?