What is more corrupting for a soul?


I have a question.

Fear or Money? What do you think is more corrupting for a man? What do you think is more likely to make one go for compromise with one’s moral? If I wanted to make someone to do something immoral, would I succeed by threatening him or rather by offering money?

Lets also see if you guess why I ask about it…

Fear - if you have fear, you will not succed - if you don´t succed you will not get your money - course of life i would say. :wink:

Fear can be the driving force. Fear can result in great feats of courage. Fear of being poor can motivate one to become rich.

Fear coupled with love can cause a man to perform a task which he would, in normal circunstances, consider immoral and, therefore, refuse to perform.
For example: A man may plant a terrorist bomb, in a busy, public place, if his family are being held at gun point by the terrorists.


Fear is a physio-psychological response, real or perceived, to an event or events that are dangerous to the well being of an individual. Fear maybe felt but the overcoming of it may take many forms. Whether it is actually corrupting is subjective. Cowardice is the action of succumbing to that fear, heroism os the overcoming of it. But fear itself cannot be said to be corrupting - it is a natural evolutionary emotion.

Money is a man-made commodity which is used as a way of acquiring goods - to acquire more goods, one needs more money. To acquire more money could result in the corruption of the soul, dependent upon the means used.

Money can empower. Power can, and quite often does, corrupt.

Personal fear - fright - usually produces fight or flight.


If I wanted someone to lie to the whole world about something…
Do you think it would be easier to force that someone by threat (assuming he is in my complete control) or to bribe him with money?

And again, try to guess which resent event made me ask you this question. :wink: