Egorka: H2SO4 started a deliberately contentious topic and his post was clearly intended to be insulting about the Serb population of that part of the world. It wasn’t a reasoned arguament but rather a polemic.
Contentious topics - when related to WW2 - are acceptable, and we accept heated discussion (provided it doesn’t stoop to personal insults) is part of the nature of such topics.
Off topic stuff is acceptable, provided it is in the right forum and follows the rules of polite debate. There is a little less leeway here, because quite frankly this is a WW2 forum and were possible we want to keep it focused on WW2 - but most things go.
Modern day political discussions are always on thin ice. They can get very heated, very quickly, and we have no desire to see this forum turn into a flamefest like some others. Mods have something of a hair trigger on such threads, although we will tend to avoid warning or banning users unless they do something particularly troublesome - we prefer to lock threads and let them die of natural causes. If you want a forum where you can crayon all over the walls in peace, be our guest. This isn’t it however - I suggest you try something like General [M]ayhem.
Basically, any topic where people are insulting each other or any particular identifiable group had better be related to WW2 and they had better be prepared to justify these insults.