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Hello there, my dear moderators!!!

May I ask why the thread made by h2so4 about Albania and Kosovo was closed?
I grabbed the last message by pdf27 that it was “trolling” and “not a tiny bit WW2 related”. Kind of…

I do not get it! No, really, I do not! How come in the Forum area " Off Topic - General" the threads like “Argentine top models… ENJOY” and “At least she is good looking…” are concidered to be OK, but the thread about Kosovo not.

Please help my confusion.

Well, it does seem to me to be a pretty thinly veiled and poorly written effort to create flaming here.

And I’m not sure how many threads we need on Kosovo when such thread topics are actually little more than posts that could be placed in the thread started by Kato, which has been reopened.

And BTW, the poster wasn’t even from where he claimed to be, so…

Egorka: H2SO4 started a deliberately contentious topic and his post was clearly intended to be insulting about the Serb population of that part of the world. It wasn’t a reasoned arguament but rather a polemic.

Contentious topics - when related to WW2 - are acceptable, and we accept heated discussion (provided it doesn’t stoop to personal insults) is part of the nature of such topics.
Off topic stuff is acceptable, provided it is in the right forum and follows the rules of polite debate. There is a little less leeway here, because quite frankly this is a WW2 forum and were possible we want to keep it focused on WW2 - but most things go.

Modern day political discussions are always on thin ice. They can get very heated, very quickly, and we have no desire to see this forum turn into a flamefest like some others. Mods have something of a hair trigger on such threads, although we will tend to avoid warning or banning users unless they do something particularly troublesome - we prefer to lock threads and let them die of natural causes. If you want a forum where you can crayon all over the walls in peace, be our guest. This isn’t it however - I suggest you try something like General [M]ayhem.

Basically, any topic where people are insulting each other or any particular identifiable group had better be related to WW2 and they had better be prepared to justify these insults.

I do not know… why was his thread deliberately contencious?

His way to express himself was a bit unfit for a forum like thisd, IMO. I mean his lexicon and his choise to articulate the message (like a long tale). He almost surpassed our dear RisingSun. :slight_smile:

So because of the specifics of his articulation I did not read his posts completely thought. :slight_smile: Maybe that is why I missed the offensive spots.

But I still in doubt that that thread should had been closed. I was actually interested to here a clear pro-Albanian point of view.

Why this topic was closed down.

Is the Moderation so impotent that a single member can twisted all around terminating any possible discussion ?


He does not need any discussions. It is easier for him to call it “jewish and moulsim conspiracies theory” though I never mentioned any conspiracies and close the thread.

Like I have said for some time now…If your views differ from a select few on this site, if you dare to have a different opinion especially in politics you will be labeled. Trust me, I’ve seen what is talked about behind the scenes and how a select few work to get their way in threads. I’ve seen lots of threads closed for reasons I couldn’t see. This is just my opinion and we all know what that’s worth… :slight_smile:

For the information of the disgruntled here, the thread was closed (temporarily as stated) because some chose to hijack it and turn it into a race war thread based on the same gratuitous assertions and arguments devoid of fact and mere unprovable opinion…

This site is to honor the dead of WWII and to discuss history, not to repeat Hitler’s theories on the inferiority of other races. I will not mod at such a site, and for those that are thin skinned complainers, then you can always go to stormfront.org. And certain people who have been previously banned advocated all out race war have an interesting sense of irony in posting in this thread…

Sorry Mike. I took exception to some Ukrainian nutter starting his advocation of violence to save the purity of the white race (even though I had no idea that it was under threat in the Ukraine). Which is the reason he was banned last time.

BTW, feel free to offer examples of “lots of threads” being closed, then please by all means list who actually closed them…

Where did I advocate violence? It is your new invention alongside with connecting my posts to some jewish conspiracy theories.

You pretty clearly made statements about using violence when you were previously banned…and for the second time in recent memory, hijacked a thread to nudge it more towards your personal agenda and spoke lovingly of the “arayan jihad.”

Your right Nick…I shouldnt say lots…It would be more like a few. My mistake in words.

You have the right to say pretty much whatever you want here, Mike. (Within I think pretty wide boundaries as compared to other message boards actually).

I appreciate feedback and constructive criticism actually. But I think I have the right to answer critics as well…

I agree 100% with that Nick…I have no problemo with that. This is scary…Im agreeing with you…:slight_smile:

I expressed my forecast about future. I did not advocate or call on to start violence or war. You lie whenever you write “Ukrainian nutter starting his advocation of violence”

This site is to honor the dead of WWII and to discuss history

So the section “Off Topic” is closed as well?

then you can always go to stormfront.org

By the way, terrible Nazis from stormfront.org have the section “opposing views” where one can say whatever one likes against the views of the most of forum members, Mods and these people are not banned just because their views differ from the ones of site’s mods.

You’ll have a hard time finding a Moderator who agrees with Chevan about very much. I don’t see anyone threatening to ban him.

For the information of the disgruntled here, the thread was closed (temporarily as stated) because some chose to hijack it and turn it into a race war thread based on the same gratuitous assertions and arguments devoid of fact and mere unprovable opinion…

Then as moderator you should block those who are attempting to derail my topic, like Kato this time , why just simply ban for this nazi mf and we can go to the next issue ?

The trolls need to be closed down, no the topics.

* Mod Note!



It has been split up. And KATO will be dealt with. But I don’t believe in unilateral action without at least some discussion of other Mods…And despite Kato’s latent neo-Nazi attitudes, the thread has become somewhat interesting…

Ok. But splitting the post of this troll is actually wasted effort, I think the “delete” option is better for him.