What is your favourite C-ration ?

Well ?

Answers please.

The M-3, Meat & Vegetable Stew :shock:


What is is a C-ration?
(Well I wonder what C means… :smiley: )

Never tried the C rats, but the MREs are fucking rank.

:oops: http://www.ww2rationtechnologies.com/Crations.html

In fairness, some of the MREs aint too bad. Ours seem to have gone downhill though.

Last week, all I got was packets of Noodles.

In fairness, some of the MREs aint too bad. Ours seem to have gone downhill though.

Last week, all I got was packets of Noodles.[/quote]

Ours have gone well downhill - the new ‘ethnically inclusive’ ones with the curry and that look shite (not had any since they came in). The old ones with Lancashire hotpot or stew and dumplings were lovely though.

Some of the MREs are alright, but there’s far too many sweets in there and not enough decent meals And yank chocolate is shit.

I liked the new rations, especially with the purple-wrapped biscuits fruit.
That might be due to the introduction time. We’d been on training rations (mmm… dehydrated…) for our exercises as someone else had a higher priority on real rat packs. Something to do with a desert, a real war and real soldiers, or so I heard. I did appreciate the Mash with Beef Jerky, which is apparently an MRE creation. It drank almost all my water bottle preparing it though. And then I was so thirsty I had to drink the rest.

What where the mugs who made training rations thinking? How am I supposed to keep a sachet of pasta and red scrud hot for 10 minutes BEFORE I eat it at 2 am on sennybridge? Of course, if you are lazy and munch it all before it’s cooked, you get to visit the Platoon Latrine on a regular basis all night.

Anyhoo, I haven’t had any of the ethnically inclusive new meals. From the old stuff, any main with a high fluid content was good as you didn’t find frozen bits hiding in dumplings, burgers (I know that’s a breakfast!) etc.

I can’t see this being a problem in the Officers’ Mess at Cranditz though. Remind me, why am I joining the Crabs? :wink:

Not a C-rat as far as I remember.

Combat Ration.
Tins of nasty stuff.


Not a C-rat as far as I remember.[/quote]


No offence meant but life in the Crabs aint the hotel living, rates fondling life it used to be.

Be prepared to spend a vast majority of your life getting ticks in your little boxes, the times thay have a changed!

Ah the good old days of the Cold War, why oh why did they have to go!


I’m fully prepared for a career of sticking little red and green stickers onto aircraft forms then signing pieces of paper. That, and experiencing the joy of lean. Hopefully no harrier/carrier tours though. At least not operational ones.

Not a C-rat as far as I remember.[/quote]


My error then, I stand corrected.
Strangely I never saw that menu and was unfortunate enough to have eaten a shedload of these damn rations.

i was watching an reporter talking to a that was eating an mre. the grunt said the MRe that he was eating was the best goddamn food he every had in his life…sarcastally, of course.

Cross over to the Private-Sector side of the force, Luke. Join me and you can become more Lean’ed than you can possibly imagine.[/Darth]

You’re particularly fond of Golf?

You’re particularly fond of Golf?[/quote]

Isn’t actually walking on grass a little too close to real Infanteering for the RAF? I’ll get a lackey to do the walking and hitting while I sit on the clubhouse verandah drinking pink gin.

Depending where you go mate, you wont even get a on a Squadron now. Looks like the fast jet squadron Ginger Beers are going to be centralised, that means no groundies except Ops and Admin on squadrons. The big jets have already gone this way, great way to save a few more pence.

Time for me to bang out methinks… Well afte another 8 tours in Middle East.