What is your favourite German Tank

Well there were so many tanks and other tipes of panzers build by the Germans during WW2 and I would like to know wich of all these tipes of Panzers is your favourite?

The Tiger. Although it had some drawbacks and not many were used, I love the powerfull gun and fear that it instowed upon the Allied forces.

I love seeing pictures of Tigers and their crews in action.

Give me your E-mail addres and I will send you all the pics and videos that I have about the Tiger 1 and King Tiger that I have been colecting for 3 years.

My vote is for the King Tiger. It was the most feared tank of WW2. I once read that 1 King Tiger went up against 8 Shermans and knocked out 5 of them and then just backed up and disapeared.


I would agree, the Tiger I and the King Tiger were the best german panzers, although not many of them went into mass production. And I do believe that 1 Tiger could take on 8 shermans, but it would have had to been moving quite quickliy.

I would disagree with that assesment. The King Tiger would most likely not be moving at all, moving and shooting wasnt a thing that German tanks tended to do.

My personal favourite German armoured vehicle is the Panther G, a good all round general purpose tank.

As heavily armoured and well armed as the Tigers were, if the Germans had stuck to producing P-IVs or Panthers they would have had a chance of producing enough tanks to have a chance of fighting the Allies. The Tigers and King Tigers used too much fuel and too much production capacity for a country in Germany’s position.

Question was what your favourite tank is, not what you would have produced :smiley:

Meet me in Forgottenhope, me in a KT, you in… Sherman Jumbo? M26?
Whatever ya like :wink:

Why is it always about Tigers and Panthers in this sort of threads, why isn’t the Mighty and Fearsome Pz II anybody’s favourite - you had pretty good chance of killing enemy with laughter and during emergency you could almost carry it in your pocket ;-D

Oh the pace, roar of the muscled engine and the size of the gun…

The trouble is, thats 1 to 1. Your Tiger I assume will not break down? Your Tiger will not be short of Tungsten ammo?

Your Tigers engine wont be shot because it is underpowered. Oh and of course it wont run out of fuel.

Sure the KT was a fine heavy tank, but there are many many factors involved in ww2 other than how well 1 tank will do against another.

I’ll meet you in that game when I have 6 Fireflies with tungsten rounds, you have only enough fuel to reverse 100 meters and there are hills and trees everywhere. I guarantee I will win every engagement.

Being in the Panther would be a pretty safe place to be since it was better or at least equal to its counterparts.

Give me your E-mail addres and I will send you all the pics and videos that I have about the Tiger 1 and King Tiger that I have been colecting for 3 years.


I’ve also heard that the range of the tiger’s gun allowed it to destroy up to 50 shermans before the shermans came within range.
I’m not sure if thats entirely true.
Does the History Channel lie?

Not quite 50 - it’s said that the Allies needed 5 Shermans to take each Tiger - one to sneak around the back and four to distract the Tiger (and probably die).

Luckily for the Allies, they could afford those kind of losses.

that was a standard procedure for eliminating the tiger panzers. The manual supposidly said that only 1 or 2 shermans were supposed to survive this type of encounter.

The Tiger ace Wittmann with 138 allied confirmed tank kills, was killed in this manner, where Canadian Shermans destracted him from the front and two fireflying manevered behind him and shot his back.

The Tiger was definately a formidable force. Firstly, it had front armor up to 100 mm thick, as opposed to the 80 mm front armor of contemporary models of the Panzer IV.The gun breech and firing mechanism were derived from the famous German “88” dual purpose flak gun. The 88 mm L56 gun was the variant chosen for the Tiger and was, along with the Tiger II’s 88 mm L71, one of the most effective and feared of the tank guns in WW2. Tigers were reported to have knocked out enemy tanks at ranges greater than a mile. Plus they were commanded by Panzer aces like Michael Wittmann.


not only was the armor 100mm thick in the front and 80mm on the sides, but it was made of the strongest and most expensive face-hardened armor in ww2. armor on the panther and panzer iv, while comparable in thickness, was of the cheaper, more brittle type.

I like the Panther. Fast + good frontal armor + good gun = <3


Not been able to find any reference to whether the Panther’s armour was face hardened or not as yet. I thought all of the later German tanks had face hardened armour though?

A nice size comparative between the Sherman 76 mm and the KT II.

Any of the StuG series, even tho its an assault gun, because of the low profile and its main armament could stop about anything

The biggest problem was time, feul, and reliable engines for the King Tiger and Tiger 1 series. The Shermans losses was great when encountering a King Tiger but the numbers of the Shermans was so great that they got away with it. It is almoust tru that the King tiger could knock out a lot of Shermans before they even got within range. The King tigers stood still when they shot at the enemy becaus they had sush great armour, but the back of all tanks are weak and thus they could be knocked out this way.

The Panther was mached with the T-34 and was also the answer to the T-34 and was great against the Russian armour devisions, but it also had the problem of the unreliable engine that could brake down any minute. The Panther was not so greatly armourd as the King Tiger but did have an big inpackt in battle. If the King Tiger had a better engine and did not use so many feul it would have been a sucsess.

The King Tiger had a great gun that were a upgrade of that of the Tiger 1. It could shoot more accurade and had a better range.

The funny thing is when Germany started the war they did not have great Panzer devisions but they had great sucsess by the tactics they used and not the strenth of the tanks they had at their desposel.
