What is your rank??

Ive noticed some of you have advanced past your title. Congrats. I will change that so that your title reflects your rank.

Please note any other Rank problems and ill try to address some of them. Its been awhile so ill do my best.

I’m finally a Major, like my heroes and favorites such as Maj. Burns and Major Major Major! The latter, such as myself, was promoted straight from the enlisted ranks as a pvt. through the miracle of technology of the IBM punch card machine…

:D:D:D It just takes the IBM machine a bit to process. Done!!!

Can’t remember if my title actually matches yet or not - see above.

Edit: No it doesn’t, I’m still 30 posts short. Dammit.

According to my current rank logo I’m either or both a red X or a BA L. I don’t know when that happened as I checked it only because of this thread.

I’m not sure what I was before the logo went astray.

I think you were a Major, and they probably never put in a logo for Lt Col.

Start spamming! :smiley:

I’m far from any high rank!

WTF? You’re a Major General if I remember the ranks correctly! 2* anyway…

Why did you have to tell him that?

We could have been on a winner if he thought we outranked him. :smiley:

I also seem to have been bestowed with the high rank of Maj Gen! Although my title says mere Col?

Is there something I should know? Do we need to form a Junta here and have some sort of coup?

You need to move about 300 miles west before you can start doing that :wink:

yea but not in terms of posts. :army:

I may try it mate! Its like Ive been plunged into never ending winter. When I finish here it will be straight back to yet another winter as well. Definitely not good for the body, or soul.

Meh, you’re of the Porridge-Eating persuasion. You’re supposed to be able to take it!

Nah, not since they had to surrender kilts for troosers.

They’ve lost tolerance for chills in the pills. :smiley: