What`s your favourite german gun?

Which of this weapons do you like more? if you want to vote another weapon,say that in this topic. EX=WALTHER P38

MG 42 is just awesome i want one. Mean gun. :smiley:

Let me know when you get that deleted on the other topic

Trust me go back and look on the other forum and you will see and X next to edit and quote.

You can delete and post as long as no one has replied under it. Once someone replys you cant delete it until that person deletes the one under your post.

This is another good example of what we need MODERATORS.

I know you made an accident and thats no big deal but we need to be able to fix these problems.

FG-42, offcourse, with Zf. 42 4x scope… :smiley:

Yes!,I voted FG42 too,german paratropers used it,and it gave them great ressults (but it has poor precisition)

I’m sure it’s a typo, but you do mean the ZF4 scope don’t you ?

I’m sure it’s a typo, but you do mean the ZF4 scope don’t you ?[/quote]
:wink: Nope, there were two scopes for FG-42,
Zf. 4

and Zf. 42

Both are 4x, but Zf.42 was a bit later.

I’m sure it’s a typo, but you do mean the ZF4 scope don’t you ?[/quote]
:wink: Nope, there were two scopes for FG-42,
Both are 4x, but Zf.42 was a bit later.[/quote]

Right the ZFG 42, I understand you now.

As the reticle and adjustments were the same, what draws you towards the ZFG 42 over the ZF 4 ?
They’re neither particularly good for longer ranges and their nominal magnification tended to be rated quite higher than the actual.

I wouldnt question Preatorian on his knowledge of guns…hes a walking encyclopedia of info on them. :lol:

That seems a very strange attitude General, whyever not ?

He seems to be extremely knowledgeable about many weapons, so he’s probably the best member to ask for any information regarding the optics. If I don’t ask him, how will I find out ?

www.libreopinion.com explained that these scopes were a gift from a benevolent eight-headed visitor from outer space who landed in a spaceship made of hungarian dancing skyfish knitted together with some yoghurt polishing chutney ferrets.
But I’m not sure their information is 100% correct !

Pull the other one! :smiley: That was my point that he is very knowledgable about weapons.

Regarding Optics…that was one of my favorite and best subjects in college so if you have specfics questions on optics ask away. I just happen to have my optics book handy at the moment as well. :smiley:

Okay, Zf. G. 42… Gewehr-Zielfernrohr (rifle scope, “rifle target-closering tunbe”) So, Zf. is zielfernrohr and G. - just gewehr, rifle, weapon…
Why i like Zf.G. 42 more than usual Zf. 4 or Zf. 4K or Zf. 43 (k) ?
Both Zf.G. 42 and Zf. 4, marked “ddx” was produced by Voigtlaender u. Sohn AG, Braunschweig.*
Both are 4x. Both have equal angle of view and optical construction, both graded from 100 to 800 meters…
But - Zf. G. 42 was designed especially for FG42, have you noticed cradles difference ? And Zf. G. 42 got horizontal ajustment from left side of scope, specially designet for FG42 ballistic. For me that more usable, 'cos i’m shoting from my left shoulder.
And construction of cradle for Zf.G. 42 more good than Zf. 4, more durable, because Zf. 4 was desiged as common scope, sutable for rifles, (edited, no SMG) LMGs and other shoting things. So, Zf. 4 have some sort of lock from right side only, but Zf.G. 42 mounted on own rail with screw, and less chances to move scope casually.

*Other Zf. 4 scopes can be marked “dow” ( Opticotechna GmbH, Werk Prerau), “bbz” (J. G. Farbenindustrie, AGFA Camerawerk Muenchen).

Just a lot of guns walk trought my hands… but in case of FG42 - is it was a great love… :smiley:
My interest for firearms started still in USSR, when (and now as well) all around talked how good soviet army and how perfect is AK… but i need somethng to compare, especially when i looked at soviet cars (i like cars very much) and comparing these ugly scrap with even older japan cars (not in favor of soviet cars), we got in our deep ass of Sberia few, for to plant, i guess.
First non-soviet weapon i tested was a old scratched M16 (yeah, old M16, not even M16A1), right from Vietnam, i guess. It happend during army service, usual practic in some squads of SA. And it was a revelation !
During my police employment i have tested a lot of guns, ususally confscated from criminals.
And a lot of things a just readed.
But about FG42. I have seen both versions of FG42, soonest and latest. Never shot, because that was a museum exponates, but that museum is my customer and i can sometimes feed my desire…
But i have read a lot about FG42 and have seen how that rifle does work in mechanical meand. Also i have heard one legend - when FG42 bite AK47 by shoting from non-steady pose. By legend after that most FG42 was just demolished. I feel it’s true, because no one soviet-era books that rifle never was mentioned, seems like nazi never ever made that rifle.
I’m dexteriosly with direct recoil vector rifles, M16, Johnson M1941 so i guess - FG42 can be good choise for me. :smiley:

Thanks for the reply Preatorian, interesting reading.
I’m up to speed on the ZF 4 scopes having owned a few, my present one is ‘dow’ marked and has kept it’s zero through thousands of rounds.

I will say though that the nominal 4x magnification is a bit optimistic, most fall below this strength.
I can’t say much about the ZFG 42s though, I’ve never actually tested the magnification of them.

I don’t quite understand how the windage adjustment on the left hand side is an advantage for shooting from the left shoulder, nor have I seen the ZF 4s mounted on SMGs or LMGs - if you have any pictures could you send them please, they’ll go into my ZF 4 file.

Thanks once again for the gen.

About left shoulder and FG-42 with Zf. G. 42… just imagine - butt rests on left shoulder, right hand hold a stock, left hand hold a pistol grip… in case of Zf. G. 42 i just need take off my left hand and i can make windage ajustments. In case with Zf.4 i need twist my left hand over scope of somehow else - found it a bit uncomfortable.
Nothing fatal - just a bit comfortable. At least i have shot a lot with SVD, with all grips on right side by sovet tradition, with mounted PSO-1M-2 scope… and okay, nothing wrong with me… :wink:
Is it just rage of lefthanded man for righthanded weapon designer…

With ZF4 mounted on SMG i make mistake totally - i hawe seen ZF4 on StG44, on G43, as well on Mauser C-98, one seen ZF4 mounted on MG42.
In next time when i got my happy day in museum’s depot - i’ll try to shot few pictures.
Never seen scoped german WWII SMG.

Thanks again mate.
I see what you mean with the windage adjustment but using a 4x scope on a battle rifle I believe ‘Kentucky windage’ (aiming off,) is a better idea, there’s enough to think about when on a two way range !

I’ve tried the SVD and the Yugo M76 (in a couple of calibres,) and found them both enjoyable rifles. Still not as accurate as a good bolt though.

I’m rather fond of the 7.92 x 54R, even though it’s oldest continually used military round it’s not uncomfortable to shoot in any of the Mosin-Nagants either. (The PK and PKM are even more enjoyable than the Nagants :D)

Have you used soviet PSO 1 scope with SVD ? PSO have very usable grid - you can make wind correction without clicks and calculate range to target by target’s height. This grid no need for match shoting but very useful for battle.

I agree - good bolt action rifle anyway accurate than any semi-auto.

It maybe typo - Mosin-Nagant use 7.62x54R, nor 7.92… but probably is it American meand of old russian caliber ? For example - USSR’s 5.54x39 mm hawe equal diameter with 5.56x45 NATO bullet. But one was measured by groove and another measured by margin (field ? i don’t know right word for it). Or do you meand Mauser’s 7.92x57 ?

By the way - try to find special cartriges for SVD - 7H14 by russian classification - sniper cartrige for use with SVD, that give better accuracy.
Still not accurate than Remington 700, but a bit better result.

PK and PKM… :wink: :lol: Enjoyable - right word ! Crazy toy for Rambo,… and in semi auto accurate as SVD or even better.

You’re right Preatorian, it was a typo. Sorry about that, I should have checked what I had written before posting.

It’s over ten years since I’ve shot the SVD, but I think it was the PSO 1, it had the range estimation stadia & an IR receiver. However a friend says he’ll be picking one up soon, (an SVD,) so I hope to renew my aquaintance with it. I’ll mention the 7H14 carts to him too.

There was also another rifle, the Medved or Bear but it was made for the civilian market. Were/are these popular in the USSR/CIS ?

You not necessary of apologies. I make a lot of typos.

Sure PSO 1 ! IR receiver… and no more military USSR sniper scopes, PSOs only, with few modifications, for another sniper rifles, VSS for example.

To be sure, is it PSO view:

1: widage correction scale
2: main sigth, zero.
4: Range calcullator (just put some middle-hight (about 170 sm) man inside this triangle, and you can approximately calculate rande to this man…)

3: additional marks for long range shooting (useless, btw, SVD good for 600m, usable for about 800, with luck usable for even 1000m, but 1300… never seen or never heard about good shot from SVD more than 1000, excluding a lot of legends).

About cartridges for SVD… i don’t know how easly you can get there, where you live (USA ?) 7.62x54R rounds… i tought in USA you can find anything after time… but i not sure about standard army’s 7H14 (even in russian army hard to find it now). Good choise would be some Finnish or Norway’s 7.62x54R, especially because Finland still use that cartrdge in army. Avoid use for match shoting, if possible, russian’s hunter’s version of 7.62x54R. That cartridges better for hunting (lead with copper jacket), got more stopping power, but not for match use (another bullet, less quantity of powder and use another than army type of powder too) .
7Р14 (with steel core, and army’s 7H1 with leaden core) cartrige, 9.8 gramm bullet, can give to you about 830 m/s mussle velocity, but usual russian hunting cartrige 12 gramm full copper jacket bullet, can give to you only about 740 m/s…
But finnish made 7,62x54R are best…

If you going to buy russian modern hunting rifle you can choose between SVD system, AK system and PK/PKM system… :smiley:
Let me guess…
SVD based Tigr (Tiger) and Tigr versions for 9,3x64 hunting selfloaders…

That civilian versions of SVD can be in sale with another market names, different style of butt and with varios scopes.

AK/AKM based selfloaders with common name Saiga (some kind of deer in russia named “saigak”). can be barreled for varios cartridges and equiped with many scopes. Same name have AK based shotguns.

PK/PKM based selfloaders with common name Vepr (wild boar).
Also for varios calibers. Many modification with different stocks and butts…
But in USSR was a another SVD based selfloader - Medved (Bear), elite rifle, but still based on SVD… 9.3 mm, late for 7.62… That rifle never was in mass production, 'com in USSR rifles can own only “professional hunters”, govermen employed men, who haved right to get rifle.
And price of this rifle was high…
In 1980 producing was stopped, started again in Russia in 1990s, but still not mass in production. That rifles was hand-made and pretty rare. I never seen that rifle, nor in gun-shop, nor in private use. I ever never have heard about it, before you ask me about that… :smiley:
This one ?

That Medved 3 rifle.

Most popular hunting rifle in Russia now ? I guess is it Tigr,7.62x54R or 9.3x64… i guess 'cos it looks like real SVD.
Expirienced hunters and just lucky guys have SKS 45, military selfloaders, just from army depots. Usualy that SKS never fired in army. But after time situation changed and weapon factorys started “prepare” SKS to civilian use… That “preparations” just turn real battle rifle in somethin whorse - with less accuracy, at least. “Preparations” cause changes in barrel after those SKS still acurate for hunting, but can’t be used for sniping… You can shoot for sure some creature at 300-400 meters, but at longest distance - you just miss. That “prepared” SKS (as well as most russians hunter rifles) got in barrel some thing, that marked bullet during shot for easylest criminal identification, same story with empty cartridge too… Ghost of Lee Harwey Osvald scared our politians to defecation… :lol:

In Russia hard to legal own rifle. Frst you must have shotgun for 5 years without any criminal notices (and owner should have clearest background as well). All shotguns licensed in police.
After five years of success ownership shotgun you can try to open license for rifle. After all burocracy with luck - you can be an honorful rifle-owner…