What Sarah really said In Interview

This link provides, word for word, what ABC edited out. I’d prefer such interviews to be live, unedited, and this link shows why I feel that way. If the truth hurts just edit it out.


Mike, that was really great reading what palin said. Thanks for sharing that with us. I personally like Palin and I hope The democrats win!

Why are you so cruel to Mrs. Governor?

Palin is republican you know…:wink:

i dont know why people are so down on governor Palin, she is a strong smart woman who would be a good compliment to Senator Mccain, not to mention, she is gorgeous( i know that doent matter but , i thought i’d voice that)the orange revolution also was a reminder that there are people who are sick of being treated like peasants( heavyweight boxing champ Wladimir Klitschko and brother Vitali tried their best to use their celebrity status in the Ukraine to help make things better for their people. i love democracy, its not perfect, but its the best we have. It makes me sick to death to see these hard working citizens in Eastern Europe still with nothing or no hope for a better life . Im glad that our ploiticians, like Palin are interested in their welfare

and yes, im a republican tightass i know

Major, Once again you have corrected me. I goofed. I meant to say I like the republicans cause i like Palin. Thanks for the input. now then Go Palin Go. Go Palin Go…oh ya and John Macain is ok too…but It would have been realy cool if the ticket was Obama and Palin! I think a woman for a VP would be really cool. We had a Woman prime minister in canada for a short while but nobody remembers her…she was short lived. I like Palin cause she not only looks sorta HOT, but she talks the walk too!

Maybe because she’s barely educated (in sports broadcasting), had an evident streak of vindictiveness coupled with a parochial penchant for cronyism that is almost the punchline in a redneck-American joke. And oh yeah, she’s a super-Christian fundie that believes in creationism…She’s done little more in her life than go to five different colleges, talk to athletes, and somehow get to the top of one of the most corrupt and parochial gov’ts in the States…

For starters. And since when is “everyone down on Sarah Palin?” Her star is sure fading. But McCain did dupe the religious right with her, for the meantime…

In any case, she’s WAY out of her league…She was little more than a gamble, and a novelty pick that is wearing off. This is not one of the people that need to be in charge of the sagging American economy…

Oh yes, did I mention that she’s under investigation for abusing her power and putting her personal vengeance interests above her state’s interests. But maybe her sycophants can just sue their way out of it…

Um, she still sounds pretty dumb and inept (for someone in her position), even in the edited “highlights” of her interview…

BTW, who is Mark Levin to lecture anyone on facts or editing?

My point being is, it was easy to see that “interview” was nothing more than a cut and paste hack job designed to make her look like a bad choice. They’ll defend their “editing” by saying they had to do it to fit the time constraints.
Reading the whole thing gives one a different perspective of things,eh? The left main stream media won’t allow anything through that might damage the Chosen One’s chances,especially if it involves telling the whole truth.

So your saying these quotes from Sarah are dumb??? Its dumb to have a good relation with Russia? Its dumb to want to see war ended? Its dumb to want to have a good relationship with our allies? I think she is a breath of fresh air and just what the U.S. needs, AND SHES HOT TOO. :slight_smile: BELOW ARE JUST A FEW OF THE CUT POINTS SARAH TALKED ABOUT

#1 “Americans are getting sick and tired of that self-dealing and kind of that closed door, good old boy network that has been the Washington elite.”

#2 “Russia. They are our next door neighbors.We need to have a good relationship with them. They’re very, very important to us and they are our next door neighbor.”

#3 “PALIN: Well, I’m giving you that perspective of how small our world is and how important it is that we work with our allies to keep good relation with all of these countries, especially Russia.”

#4 “We must have good relationship with our allies, pressuring, also, helping us to remind Russia that it’s in their benefit, also, a mutually beneficial relationship for us all to be getting along.”

#5 “Charlie, those are freedoms that too many of us just take for granted. I hate war and I want to see war ended. We end war when we see victory, and we do see victory in sight in Iraq.”

edited to add cut quotes from sarah

The media would probably have loved it, but given that their policies are directly in opposition to one another and neither has any significant leadership experience if elected the pair of them would be a disaster.

Well I don’t care what you complainers say, I like Palin and I hope she wins (including that old guy that joined her). We should have a “Support Palin” thread and see how many people on this site like her and want her. Bush had a hell of a lot of experience and where did he get us??.An economy that is abandoning ship, a war that is screwed from the beginning and I can’t afford to tank up gas in my car…and you think Experience is the key?..So what if Palin is not that experienced,…we did not do that much better with Bush now did we?..And MIKE is right…She is HOT!!

6 years of Governor of Texas, two of which appear to have largely been spent campaigning for the Presidency count as experience?

I like Sarah Palin and her conservative views. I’ve been a long time Republican and a conservative myself. My first choice for the Republican nominee for president was Mitt Romney, but I’ll take McCain/Palin over Obama/Biden.

My Girl!! (If you are under 15yrs of age, you must ask your parents to view this attachment,)

I am with you George, I have always been a conservative, and have voted Republican since being in the Army.(I was too young to vote when I entered the Army) I do not see anything good for America, or the world at large coming from Obama/Biden.

I am with you George, I have always been a conservative, and have voted Republican since being in the Army.(I was too young to vote when I entered the Army) I do not see anything good for America, or the world at large coming from Obama/Biden.[/QUOTE]

Thanks TG,

I can relate to you on that - I’ve been voting Republican since age 20 in 1980 when I voted for Ronald Reagan (Ronaldus Maximus as Rush often refers to him). :slight_smile:

Who Is Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News
Originally aired evening of Sept. 17, 2008

Sarah Palin Interview w/ Sean Hannity Day.1 pt.1

Sarah Palin Interview w/ Sean Hannity Day.1 pt.2

Sarah Palin Interview w/ Sean Hannity Day.1 pt.3





I don’t really come here to discuss politics. It all just turns into a giant pissing match in the end, and that’s not what it’s about. As far as Palin’s responses, I’m not sure how much was “edited out” as I clearly heard at least some of the text in her response, which sounded sort of like a kid on the high school debate team regurgitating canned responses her handlers gave to her. And Gibson clearly exposed were lack of depth in understanding on several key issues…

Palin’s seeming abuse of power in Alaska of which “Troopergate” is only part in parcel reflect a complete two-faced hypocrisy. She pursued “pork” earmarks via lobbyists, she hired unqualified cronies in high paying jobs, and has a very limited education…

It’s all about style over substance…

True, but think where your country could be if it bucked the worldwide trend and went for a bit of substance.

Or even where my country could be if it tried the same thing, with rather less material to work with. :frowning:

Probably in the mire along with Gordon Brown. :wink: