What should we do with trolls?

I mean, they disrupt the cool and rational enviroment that is this fourum.
What to do?

When do we start tar and feathering them? lol…

Sertain amount of what is called “trolling” is actually productive and healthy for a forum.

Sertain amount of what is called “trolling” is actually productive and healthy for a forum.

Definately agreed, I found some post of you and some of Chevan very informative.

Oh, you are most welcome, my friend!
Just out of curiosity, which one of my posts you found to be particularly “informative”?

Mod them! It worked for me. :lol:

One warning W/ short Ban, after which Nick will be rolling out the groinal guillotine.

Pardon my lack of knowledge. What is a troll?




An example of a twat of an ex-member here: http://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/index.php/IRONMAN

Holy Freaking Guano, Batman! Tinwalt is the entire reason I came to this forum. I just love poking morons with sticks!

Please see below. (note that the groinal guillotine has been applied)

Maybe we should unban him for shats and giggles?

Conversely, I was banned and then rebanned from Armchairgeneral and candy-ass censor modsR’us for poking hyper-partisan morons with sticks. That’s not too say that there are not some good people AND mods there, especially in the interesting WWII forums. But the “War on Terror” forum is just replete with unintentional ironic comedy…They merely turtle when their crap is thrown back into their faces, then complain to moron mods and give me the ban hammer!

Maybe I’m a troll, I dunno.

I have actually started some real trolls in my time, but just don’t see them through properly. A well planned, executed troll can be as fun and comedic as anything on TV or film. The problem is that we have unfunny, boring obvious jackasses like Covenator and Ironing Girl with no talent…

There is some lolz gold here: http://hitchworld1969.com/CIRCLEofTRUST/forums.cgi?forum=8

I recommend the one where they do a mass troll of the Micheal Jackson board called “The Man in the Minor.” :smiley:

so that arsehole (IRONMAN) is doing crap eveywere.

Major trolling:
(Thanks to RS* for letting us see the troll Hreman is)

Where, where? We’ve been looking for him for years :smiley:

Maybe so, but the scrolling text hurts my eyes too much!

a troll on an internet fourum drove a truck and knifed (and killed 8 people) in Akihabara, a very buisy district of tokio. He said

I wanted someone to say no but nobody bothered

to Tokyo police when he was caught.
so maybe we should be nice to trolls. Maybe.
Just a thought…
link to article on killing

There’s a difference between trolls and compete internet psychos…

And yes, I’ve dealt with a complete internet psycho. A female banned from nearly every Van Halen-related forum for things like, oh, calling the work of her perceived antagonists to tell their bosses that her marks were rapists. Or telling their wives that she was having an affair with them…

And then there were the threats of violence…:rolleyes:

Im relieved. H***an2 isnt gonna kill us…:smiley:

Yea, he definitely not against to be the troll:)