What weapons do you like or dislike?

To start this off, I love the M1 Garand and the Thompson SMG.
M1. because it is a good all around weapon. It was the weapon that George S. Patton said that it was the best Weapon in the war department. Ok not his exsact words but close.
M1A1 Thompson. Is a .45 cal submachine gun that has fame with mobsters and movies. But as the war go’s on a .45 has more power then a 9x19mm round any day… 20,30 ,50, and 100 round drum clips. And I don’t know if the Mp40 has a drum clip but till .45 is better.

For social work, the .45 a.c.p. is hard to beat. the 9mm para. has the velocity in the range of the .357 mag. not sure of the muzzle energy, as the 9mm uses a much lighter slug than the .357.
Wartime 9mm ammo (as well as later production) very often had some steel in them, giving a greater versatility in field against thin skinned vehicles, and walls ,doors, etc.

I like the Bazooka. It’s Big Bad and gets the job done!

I don’t like knives and bayonets. They could make me bleed.

I also don’t like all other weapons which could hurt me.

hahaha I get the point

Well why do you like to Bazooka?

I like the Bazooka because it was considered the ultimate anti-tank weapon in WW-2. I don’t even think the Germans had anything like it and if they did, they probably copied the American version. The Bazooka could be used less than 300 feet by 2 man teams. The tank is considered one of the best fighting and killing machines but the Bazooka makes minced meat out of the tank…and that is why I like the Bazooka:)

Nope, the Germans had both direct copies of the Bazooka and rather better indigenous variants. The Panzerfaust was an indigneous German design of which just about all modern light anti-armour weapons are direct descendents, while the Panzershreck is essentially a more powerful version of the Bazooka.

I read this in another war web site…thus the reason for my original statement that American Bazooka’s kissed ass over german Bazooka’s

German efforts to provide infantry with anti-tank rifle grenades proved unsatisfactory when confronted with superior Russian Tanks like the T-34.
Either from the Russian front or from Africa, captured American M9A1 Bazooka examples were sent to Germany to be analyzed. Designers, being impressed with the weapon, proceeded with development of an improved version. The name, officially abbreviated RPzB, was commonly referred to as the Panzerschreck (“Tank Terror”). It was in operational use by mid-1943.

AK-47, because I heard an expert say that every child’s first weapon should be the AK-47 because he/she can’t make it not fire, except by running over it with a tank.

I dislike the Me 163.
This German aircraft is often called a ‘wonder weapon’!!!
The only ‘wonder’ about this death trap of an aircraft, was wondering where they found pilots stupid enough to fly it :evil:

But the ME 163 looked cute! But talking of flying deathtraps, here’s a post war one: the infamous Lockheed F-104 “Starfighter” aka known as “widowmaker” or “flying coffin” by german Bundeswehr-pilots and surely enough with other nations pilots. An example: Italy used this wreck until 2004 (!), overall they had 360 Starfighters. In 40 years of service they lost 137 planes due to accidents and crashs, makes a ratio of 38% debris…

Oddly, that isn’t actually a particularly bad ratio for an aircraft of the era. The problems largely weren’t the fault of the Starfighter, but due to using it for the wrong thing - it was designed as a supersonic interceptor (rather like the EE Lightning), yet was used by the Germans as a multirole fighter-bomber at low level, with heavy loads in bad weather. That’s always going to be inherently dangerous.

The Bazooka (2.76") was obsolete by 1943. And the improved, larger 3.5" variant never saw action until Korea I think…

I like the AK-47 too. But just because of the milled reciever.
Otherwise I would prefer a AK-103.

The american bazooka was obsolete even during WW2, it was simply underpowered and did little to stop germany’s tiger and panther tanks

We’re talking peace time, right? BTW, there was this joke going around when the german Bundeswehr was still equipped with Starfighters. “How to get a Starfighter as a civilian? Just buy a few hectares of ground and wait.”

Why was it called the Bazooka?It has an odd name. If anyone knows I would be obliged.

Because of a similar looking musical instrument of the american radio comedian Bob Burns.

Yep. Remember, you train as you fight…