What /Who Caused WW2?

Im being funnie with this one.
Feel free too post serious.
How about those three Jewish university art teachers in Berlin i think, that knock back Hitler three times.
If one of the art teachers took him in, there will be no ww2 and no Holurcast.
What do you guys think?

A funny bunny from Australia. You are in to major league bullsh1t there aly j, with regard to Hitler and the Jews, if one is a psycopath one does not need really any sort of reason to wreak murder and mayhem not even a trivial one, it is what makes them tick, fortunately most psychopaths aren’t up to murdering more than a few dozen unfortunate people.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I’m not sure, but I think Aly j is saying that if Hitler were accepted into Art school (assuming he was studying that-I am not that aware about Hitlers studies), then Hitler would have had his passion and interest in Art and not politics…It is an interesting scenerio. i don’t think we can label Hitler as a psycopath when he was in his teens. maybe the struggle into politics was the catalyst to his craziness. Perhaps Aly J is correct in her assumptions that there may not have been WW2 if this or that happened to Hitler when he was growing up. I nevr thought of it, but the world could of been a much different place if hitler was accepted into Art school per se.

Wouldn’t someone else have done it?

Well unless he got a break as a snuff film producer, I could not see Hitler staying too long interested in artistic activities and I don’t think Hitler went “crazy” as such being a psychopath is a charactor trait rather than a expression of mental instability.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

What made people in to soap and lampshades, like Stalin was a mass murderer but even he had certain standards.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Actually its true ,hes was an art stundent and he was knock backed by three jewish-germans art teachers…well youre opinon could be right aswell.
but im no bullshit artist ,all the infomation ive put out there ive gotten from History channel,the Net and WW2 Movies and 30 Magazines full of nazis War effort and Adolf Hitler, my nan died and pass on to me…Dont ask me why my nan had those nazi magazines…im speechless… cheerio

Let us say for the sake of argument that Hitler was a highly talented artist and his career was thwarted by three Jewish art professors for highly selfish and unfair reasons on their part. So then, Adolf Hitler says to himself “I’ll get them back I will kill millions of people that had absolutely nothing to do with this by putting them in concentration camps and gassing them”, ha ha what a load of blx. The idea that Hitler would not have been a thoroughly nasty piece of work if his art career had gone okay, is in the realms of the possible but highly unlikely, in that being a psychopath is a charactor trait and my view one is either born one or acquires this charactoristic in childhood or some mixture of the two. Really I do not know enough about you to know whether you are a bullsh1t artist or not, and my reference to “funny bunny” was meant in a humourous vein, so I am sorry you have apparently taken that remark with more gravity than which it was intended, but I respectfully remind that you did post at the start of the thread

Im being funnie with this one.
Feel free too post serious.

Really there is a big problem with the thread, in that it falls in to the category no doubt totally un-intended on your part of the Neo-Nazi apologist argument that Hitler was a really great guy and the Jews deserved what they got.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Still that don’t excuse him and it can’t be reason to kill so many people ( neither for Stalin or whoever ) . Imagine me going into the supermarket and seller make a bad look at me because he is not in mood … and even more refuse to give me the change . This mean that i have to kill him and his whole family and even anyone who look as him , or even the whole race he is part of ??
I don’t think there is reason that excuse person for killing except for your own defense , otherwise it’s murder .

Ivaylo, I don’t think Adrian Wainer was giving Hitler an excuse to kill, I think he was giving an example, and is in agreement with what you posted?..anyways I do not think Hitler would have been a killer if he didn’t get into politics. He needed the masses to support his conviciton. If he was a poor art student who loved his work and was passionate on his work, then don’t you think his passion would have redirected his thoughts. I mean when you give a drug user something else to concentrate on then he doesn’t have the tendancy to do drugs?..Just because Hitler was crazy as we know it, doesn’t mean he couldn’t have been different given the change in his life.i.e. art interests or whatever else…I mean were not psycologists so our opinions will naturally be to condem Hitler, but to condem him at what age?..Do we classify him a nut at age 7?..age 9?..point is, there could have been something in his life that could have changed him. he was not born a monster…remember, all children of god are born without guilt or evil.

I was not piss of at youre post,i forgot to put a :smiley: face at the end of my post.
I never said that the jews deserved how they were treated, no one does. All im saying if just one of those art teachers or directors accepted him as a student,they could of change the out come of the furture.But i know how would they know that he was f-ck up.:smiley:

You might be a lot funnier than you think.

I think it’s a stunning historical revelation that Hitler got knocked back three times by Jewish university art teachers in Berlin.

This would make a total of five rejections, including the two already known by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts.

It’s also a revelation that Hitler was an art student, despite being denied entry after his two previously known attempts to enter the Vienna Academy and apparently another three previously unknown attempts in Berlin, and by three Jewish-German art teachers in Berlin in addition to the four Jewish board members of the seven member board of the Vienna Academy.

Which institution did Hitler attend as an art student after all these rejections?

That was irrelevant to the two known decisions of the Vienna Academy of Fine arts, which were based purely on art work he submitted and which fell short of the required standard for entry.


Well we will never know because Hitler gave up on his art career and turned to politics. That said even had Hitler been successful as a artist, I do not believe he would have lived his life without engaging in some very nasty activities like he could not have murdered millions of people had he not got involved in politics but there is no reason, had he enjoyed a sucessfull career as an artist that he could not have murdered a few prostitutes, since many of the justifications that serial kilers use in murdering prostitutes are quite similar to that used in his racial extermination campaign.

Well some psychologists talk a lot of rubbish and anyway psychology is a far less exact science than something like engineering, since the human mind is far more complicated thing than e.g. a jet engine or a bridge. One can only make best guesses about what made Hitler tick. As for your statement “all children of god are born without guilt or evil”, I respect your position but do not agree with it, any more I agree with the position that, all children are born in a state of mortal sin. If my view that Hitler was a psychopath is correct, he is neither a bad person nor a good person, a psychopath can be like a killing machine; for instance a shark is neither evil nor good, it eats, kills and reproduces. If Hitler was a psychopath, it is likely he would not see anything wrong with gassing children, so if somebody can not see anything wrong with doing something, it is hard to say that he is guilty or evil, it is just what he does, like a shark he kills. I do not know why exactly Hitler got like the way he was, he might have been born like that, it might have been because of how he was treated when he was child it might be some mixture of the two. All that said, there were lots of highly intelligent and sophiscated people in Germany, that understood exactly what Hitler intended to do and how wrong and barbaric it was and decided to not merely to turn a blind eye to what was going on, but to proactively assist Hitler in his activities for the reason they saw ways of advancing their own personal private wealth and position by doing so, if there is a question of “evil” that is an avenue, you might usefully explore.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Absolutely i agree with you , no one can be born like a devil , maybe i didn’t understand Adrian very well for which i sorry .

Actally have you seen some of his work, they where pretty good,but what let him down is he could not paint people for some reason.He could only paint landscapes,animals and buildings:)


Im not like you, i dont study ww2 every day,i dont know the names of the institution but i know he did get rejected some time jury his art days:)

As already covered in other threads…

Adolphus Hitler, and the course of the lives of many other people in Europe circa 1914 were changed for all time.

The Great War was a phenomenon for them all.

It’s important in historical discussions to get facts correct.

The opening proposition in this thread is rather like saying “Would WWII have turned out differently if Japan hadn’t started the war by bombing the harbour at Singapore and wiping out the British fleet that wasn’t there.”. And then debating America’s involvement in a war in which it wasn’t attacked.

While you and Herman may choose to feel victimised and oppressed because I think you should strive for accuracy in your posts and especially in starting threads, I feel that before posting you might at least make the slight effort to establish facts which are readily found through the marvels of the electric internet and Google. These matters are so basic that even Wikipedia has correct entries on them.

Or you could just use the search function on this site and find a great deal of accurate information on those topics.

And, for Christ’s sake, stop using txt spk and phoneticitcally approximate English. A jury has nothing to do with during. And it is that level of sloppiness in your posts which exasperates those of us with a passing knowledge of English and military history.

As a matter of interest, what grade are you in at school?

Or, which year at university? Given your standard of English expression, and given that you’re in Melbourne, you’d be about right for the lower end of humanities La Trobe or a solid pass in media studies at VUT.

Did your school teachers ever insist that you use standard English grammar, spelling, and punctuation, or are they among those educational geniuses who don’t want to stifle children’s natural creativity by imposing restrictive rules, not least because their gramar, splg and punktuatn is often litel beter of the so-cawled gradshewates thay produse?

And I’m not taking the piss. If you’re anything above year four level, you have been badly failed by the education system.


No ive never been too uni and i dont go to school any more, im 26.
The education didt fail me, i failed my self. Sorry about my spelling but i was on this other forum Face Book and those people are alot different too you guys.they tpe like this…r-are, u-you, ya-you, lik-like, 2-too 4-for
be4-before, luv-love,thanx-thanks, ta-thanks, b/f-boyfriend, g/f-girlfriend, ur-youre. Those kinds of people dont like talking about history and ww2,there more like horney crazey lunertics, i perfurr to talk about history and ww2 , So i came on here so i can do what i like best…Talk about ww2 and history,sorry if i have been a pain in the bum,now you dont have too be mean to me :cool: