What's In a Name?

I’m glad I caught this before anyone else in the group did–and I know they would have! I was in error, hard to believe.

I should have googled the trials before posting this. I see the main Nuremberg Trials began in October 1945. However, I was still correct in that the executions didn’t occur until much later, in 1946. I guess this shows that, no matter how much we think we know, it’s always good to do another check.

John Weitz is a well-known [Jewish] historian-writer. His Hitler’s Diplomat: The Life and Times of Joachim von Ribbentrop, even had a foreward written by Tom Wolfe. Weitz was pretty objective towards Ribbentrop, who managed to get adopted by an elderly member of the family when he was in his thirties–thus the von. The members of the Party who had been with Hitler since the beginning never let von Ribbentrop forget this.

Even though the Nuremberg Trials began in late 1945 and extended for almost a year, Book One opens on October 16, 1945, with the Graves Registration team spreading the ashes which they thought were the eleven cremated remains of American soldiers. Just in case I pass the book on, I crossed out ‘1945’ and wrote in ‘1946.’

Sounds like a pretty sloppy job of editing by someone and careless on the part of Mr. Weitz for not checking the copy before he okayed it for printing. If a high-schooler who wasn’t familiar with that time read it, he would most likely think the trials happened only in 1945.

Mr. Weitz also mentions, three times, that the Führer’s train was ‘Adler’ [Eagle]. When I google Hitler’s train Adler Eagle I can’t confirm this.

Does anyone know?

It appears he had at least two trains—the Amerika which was changed to Brandenburg, and another one (the Adler?). Weitz states Hitler planned Barbarossa aboard the Adler.

Just curious if this well-informed group knows the facts. Also, what happened to these trains after the war? I know his Mercedes-Benzes, those who survived at least, found their way around the world. I saw a rather beat-up one when I was in eighth grade—previously mentioned, I think. I recall being startled at the time because the tires were so much bigger than the tires I was used to.