What's the worst weapon you ever had to shoot with?

I suppose there are a good lot of ex- and present military people among us, or weapon collectors, hobby marksmen and professional assassins. Anyway, I like to know what is/was the worst weapon you ever had the shady pleasure to handle? I am talking no soft-air or computer games here. I’ll start with mine and because I missed another related threat I’ll post my favourite too.


HECKLER & KOCH P7: Although its surely german high class workmanship in fire arms the look sucks and I almost hit diddly-squat with it.


HECKLER & KOCH MP 5: To me the contrary of the P7 in aiming, it’s almost impossible to miss (of course no direct comparison in aiming between smg’s and pistols), it looks good and no recoil worth to be mentioned.

The remington model 710 is honestly the worst rifle i had ever fired it was cheaply made and the bolt kept messing up i got it for christmas and used it for the fall deer season and after that i got fed up with it and sold the damn thing

I would have to say… The Sten Uk submachine gun. I hate that gun. But in CQC it can be a good gun but it is an wierd way to shot. With the clip on the left side of the gun. But the Thompson is a gun that I love.

The worst was my basic training M-16A1. Not because it was a bad weapon, but because this particular weapon was very worn and old and I couldn’t even “zero” the tired piece of shit! A problem I did not realize until I was issued new, unscuffed M-16s that didn’t have grooves worn into the bolt-carrier!

Mannlicher Carcano Carbine – that was unmitigatingly terrible.
Lebel – miserable
Ruger P85 – I am a pretty good pistol shot (and much better revolver shot) and had difficulty connecting with a figure target at 15 m
L85A1 – utter POS
Steyer AUG – miserable ergonomics with muzzle flip in a random direction just to make life interesting!

And that’s just for starters!

Another vote for the L85A1. I personally don’t find the ergonomics too bad (probably a reflection on how few weapons I’ve fired) but the reliability was awful. Unless it was absolutely spotlessly clean I would typically get a couple of stoppages per magazine when firing blank. The A2 on the other hand is virtually bombproof - goes bang when you pull the trigger pretty much no matter what.

Flamethrower guy,

The P7 has to be the most fundamentally unsafe handgun to be put on the market in recent times, and resulted in people shooting themselves in the leg while drawing because of that ridiculous squeeze cock mechanism. Essentially, if you are insufficiently practised (and most policeman are) you will squeeze all of your fingers instead of just the last three, and if your trigger finger is in or near the trigger guard then the consequences are obvious.

I would have to say the Fn Fal it is a good gun until you use it on full auto then it becomes an anti-aircraft gun. but a good hard hitting round the 7.62x51mm I think … But not shore.

You’re totally right with everything you said meaning the inconvenient so-called squeeze cocking lever (“Griffballensicherung”). And yes, those five (in average) practical shooting sessions per year don’t make excellent shooters. Didn’t shoot my leg yet though (-:

Yes the P7 is a P.O.S. But at lest it will fire. Just point and hope. But the Cragurgansion ( not spell right) it is a five round rifle like the Springfield and Mauser. But unlike the rest the Crag can only be loaded one round at a time . Because the brass did not think that the men on the ground could not us their ammuation right. But isn’t that what it is for, to be fired?

The worst weapon I have EVER fired was this POS .45cal model 1911 I was issued to qualify with during Military Police School. It must have had at LEAST a 30lb trigger pull. I had to use both forefingers on the trigger to get it to fire. Asking for a different weapon did absolutely no good except to get me screamed at by the drill sgt. I did manage to Qualifiy with the damn thing by some miracle, but I’ll never forget that piece of crap that almost got me washed out of the MP Corps. ps, the armorer said that the sear was defective, which was what I suspected.

i would say the 45 caliber " greasegun" we carried on our tanks, it would literally jump out of your hands, and it was over 20 feet away, you’d have to be jesse james to hit it


Nasty little thing that could be relied on to be unreliable; runaway; and wander.

Instructors were wary of recruit training on it, which was established as a reasonable fear on the day I first fired it when a runaway caused hysteria among instructors as the firer predictably started to do exactly what he had been instructed not to do with a runaway, which was start to turn towards the line beside him to ask for help from an instructor. Fortunately it expends a mag quickly.

Apart from that, it had no redeeming features. :smiley:


M16a1 in basic training, the lands and grooves were totally gone.
later, an m1 garand that doubled on rounds 2 and 3 then tossed the rest overboard. any RG pistol or revolver.

Had to be this piece of shit i had to carry, about the only thing it was good for was hammering nails.


well if we are going on side arms I hate the Luger. It is a good side arm but the way it fires, gust takes the fun out of shotting it. I think the Germans would have been better with the C96 mauser. ther Broomhandle but in the chinesse type 7 because it is a .45 acp.

Actually I got on rather well with the P7M8, (not as well as with nearly any 1911A1 but good enough,) perhaps I was very lucky with the examples I used. When they brought out the P7M13 I thought it was a (very) fat piece of kak.
I do agree with MoS comments on the safety aspects of the item, but personally I found it to be a more than reasonable CCW unit.

Semper Fi, I think you mean the Krag-Jørgensen.
I don’t know who told you it could only be loaded one rd at a time, but unless they were talking about it only chambering one rd at a time, (which would make it similar to more than 99% of rifles,) they’re talking through their hoop.