what's with all these US rank graphics

I was more than a ‘lance blank-file’ / Pfc fer chrissake.

My warrant came through just after I resigned fram the active reserves. ( ~ = to yr NG?!)

And I want a CROWN! Damn it!

so there!!!


We’re working on these features:)

Ooh, you mean we may be able to have some of HM’s insignia instead, gucci :smiley:

I didn’t understand a thing about this quote

I think Timbo, being an Australian chappie is complaining that he wants to have his own countries rank and that he almost left the Australian forces as a Warrant officer, there is a crown in this rank etc etc etc.

Now it’s clear even for me. :smiley:
Thanks Firefly!

Australian ranks.

And a pdf version: http://www.defence.gov.au/images/Badges_of_rank.pdf

how about just placing your current rank in whatever country in your sig?

I agree timbo. Im an aussie too. What would be a good idea would be whatever country your originated from you can have their ranks.
Country of Origin Ranks

America e.g. current site ranks
Australia Australian ranks (shown above)
Great Britain British ranks.

There are some limitations with this messageboard, but it could work if I upgrade to a more powerful and customizable board like vbulletin.

Well as the board progresses this might be a really good idea!!!

Even at the moment there are some limitations it would also help identifie people from certain countries.

…Also how many posts are required to gain rank. It might help some if they knew.

This is for now.

Please remember that the ‘ranks’ here are just a bit of fun, they do not mean that you actually hold that rank.
The fact that more posts equates in a higher ‘rank’ it does not necessarily follow that those posts have added anything to knowledge or a discussion on the boards.

While most of us have posted the odd item in fun, there is a difference between that and merely posting kak for the sake of a higher ‘rank.’

If you click http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=848 you’ll glean some good information.

It would be a good idea to keep in mind the above and the link. Continued posts that only say ‘nice post’ or other such trivialness WILL be deleted. If you think its a nice post and just have to reply, try and add to the argument. The same is true of the opposite.

Nice post Firefly :smiley:

PS can I have my 3 pips now please?