What's wrong with this photo 2


I’ll stick to posting live vivisection of Allied prisoners, massacres of Korean civilians and so on.

That shouldn’t upset anyone.

If you think that there is some kind of excessive graphic image in this forum please let me you, however the penis pictures are not in the interest of ww2incolor.com, plain common sence. :roll:

Sorry but we have a sense of decency here! If you want to show something out of the ord…just fuzz the privates!

I dont know if you are aware Gen. S but RS is obset because I deleted one pic of a british soldier showing his genitalia :rolleyes: …that was “something wrong 1”

What a guy…he should thank me that I did not gave some infractions points.


have you deleted the first “What’s wrong with this photo” thread?

I agree that genitalia is not what we come here for. Though I could not say that I am entierly against genitalias as such. I am not genitaloshovinist, you know. On certain very rare ocasions genitalia might prove to be rather handy to have.

But, come on, one could hardly see any thing. It was not an image, it was a hint of a shadow during a moonless night. That is how much was seen.


have you deleted the first “What’s wrong with this photo” thread?


But, come on, one could hardly see any thing. It was not an image, it was a hint of a shadow during a moonless night. That is how much was seen.

Hahahaha…:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: , you are not making favor to the british men.

As you displayed your own sense of decency in this post.

Dont know if you just being an asshole or not. Coz it looks like you were drunk when you wrote the above. But we have mostly agreed that there is no problem with him or any other member wearing medals that they have really earned. The awards program was just a fun addition to the site. You dont like it fine just disregard it. But you dont have to be a fucking cunt about it.

Yours truly,

Gen. Kiss my ass.


It’s obviously okay to call someone a fucking cunt and tell them to kiss your ass, but it offends your curious standard of decency to show a little bit of dick in a funny photo.

I hope I haven’t made a fucking cunt of myself by posting this.

If I have, would it be okay to tell you to kiss my ass?

Or is that indecent instruction reserved exclusively for the guardians of decency, who can’t handle a funny photo with a little dick in it but who happily make big dicks of themselves with their hypocritical posts?


Oldies but goodies.

Yes you can cuss at ppl on here. Altough we do try to keep it down a bit nowadays. The post you are refering to is almost 2 years old. Things have changed a bit sense then. Early on in the site things were quite rough.

I did not actually see the pic myself.
I was backing up a mod on his assertion that it was inproper material. And if you read I made an attempt to appease by asking that the section of the pic in question be fuzzed out. Easily done in MS paint. Personally I dont have a problem with it but im not “the site” and I must follow the rules that were here before I got here. Plus if one of my mods feels that it is improper then it most likely is.

This whole thing really boarders on historical/art/realism issue. Do you see a difference between a bunch of soliders shaking their dicks for a pic and this picture for example?

I see a big difference. One is taken for fun and the other is to illustrate the horror of war.

If you look at the Argie Top Models thread … their are a few that boarder the lines of taste but most do not. I would not have a link straight to some naked woman. This is tasteless IMO. Go to a porn site if you want stuff like that. However I see no problem in posting links to some hot models … in a off-topic section of a forum that is filled with mostly guys. If the girls want to post a hot guys section then I wouldnt be upset either as long as they keep a sense of decency.

Look one thing we do not need to do is blow this out of proportion. No need for a supreme court ruling on this issue.

Lurkmensch you have a point. I stand somewhat corrected IMO. Thanks for pointing that out.

Please PM the pic and ill have a look. Most likely I will still agree with PK on the issue.

Rising Sun I hope you are not to upset with this whole thing.

Or is that indecent instruction reserved exclusively for the guardians of decency, who can’t handle a funny photo with a little dick in it but who happily make big dicks of themselves with their hypocritical posts?

Still that photo is not allowed and still Gen Sandworm and me are the Mods in here so…we made the final desitions, period and enough.

I know that this thread is in our room so…

Anyway, I delete yesterday a post of Gutkowski showing a shemale.
Was posted before Lurkmensch’s post.

I didn’t warn or PM Gutkowski for that.

Just for your info mates.