Whats your Favourite Soviet War picture or poster?

Hi everyone,
post your favourite Soviet War Picture with a description of it and if possible a source where you got it from.

american buck L. katsebu and soviet ivan numladze at germany 1945
Soviet tanks roll toward the battle front on June 22, 1941, to defend the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) on the day Germany invaded the USSR.
Soviet soldier pointing the way to glory and fight off the nazi fascist invaders.

BTW, the Russian soldiers allowed to “spontaneously” meet the Americans were hand-picked and heavily vetted by the NKVD for reliability before the meet-up happened.

Really why was that ?
They would of met side by side in battle closing in on Berlin though right?

Because the NKVD did not want people who would either run away, give secrets to the US, or bring back stories about how good American equipment was (this could get you sent to GULAG after the war under Section 58 ).

The meeting was arranged on the Elbe in the full view of the world’s press and was precisely stage-managed. There was an unofficial meeting when some Americans crossed the Elba earlier and ended up fighting against the Russians (who opened fire on them) for a few days. This was, of course, covered up at the time. The story of this was recounted on a history programme on Discovery, but I think it’s also in Hastings’s Armageddon.

edited for annoying bb code

The Soviet Union and U.S.A were very fragile allies, i knew there was an incident involving some Russians and Americans to open fire on each other.
By the way when you post back Man of Stoat, add a photo mate :smiley: :smiley: 8)

Anyone got any Soviet posters or Photographs to share here ? 8) 8)

There is it also a topic on WW2 propaganda.
A little bit of “search” doesn’t hurts!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

i find on net ,CJ tape on google soviet or soviets and there you have very good pictures and here too


Thanks alot, Ive had the American and Russian picture for years, the rest of the pictures i found off the Net.
I have got a Russian 20th photograph File of all the important events that have happened.

Ill show you some posters i got.

I have one good picture but i delete it ,soviet woman stand ,in one hand have soviet flag and says some like this its on russan ‘Born mother soviet’ i not translate good so dont smile :oops: ,i try to find you that image.

This is my Favourite Poster, i use it for my desktop background.
Poster… nazi vs Russian.

Hmmm, a tatty old Type 56 and what looks like an unused RPK with an RPK-74 muzzle brake and a loose cleaning rod.

Or should I be looking at something else ?

ENYOY C.J :wink:

CJ thers pic for you and here in this adress you have The Soviet National Anthem .


Thanks for the pictures buddy, i havent seen them ones before and that websites cool too.
I downloaded the Soviet National Anthemn sung by the Red army Choir.
I got alot of the Russian songs from the 20th century they are awesome. :smiley: :smiley:
Heres a few more Russian pictures from my Huge collection :smiley: 8) … :


Most of the black and white photographs Is Stralingrad, the burning city photo is stalingrad looking at the ruined city from the Stalingrad Docks.


Well about half of them are from search engines like google,msn search and Dogpile.

www.dogpile.com is a good image search engine to.
Google is awesome for searching pictures because you can always find one that no one has ever seen before. :smiley: 8)

Hey Buddy check out these Russian pictures i scanned :wink:


No Worries mate,

By the way check out these pictures: