Wheat field - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

Wheat field

German "Tiger" tank(s) on a wheat field in the USSR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-armored-forces-vehicles/51529/wheat-field

The positioning of this Tiger, behind the other two visible ones - could she be providing some sort of rear security to prevent Soviet flanking attacks?

This looks most likely Summer 1943 (Kursk ?). This sort of flat landscape was, in many respects, ideal “Tiger country”. In early encounters with the Tiger, Soviet tankers learned early the discouraging fact that an attempt to confront Tigers face-on in this sort of country was pointless; they were likely to be picked off by the Tiger’s '88 (aided by its superior optics) long before they themselves were in range to scratch its paint. Working around the flanks would, of course, have been difficult and dangerous in this sort of landscape - but not impossible, given superior knowledge of the ground (and such cover as it might afford). There was also the possibility of a pre-prepared flanking ambush. Even at this period, the Tiger, while hugely formidable, was vulnerable to flank attack and, even more so, to attacks from the rear. Best regards, JR.