Where are my mod powers?

I wanted to close this pointless thread http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?10801-Italian-Fighters but couldn’t because the mod tools in the thread don’t allow it while the Mod button on the top menu just takes me to screens that show nothing is waiting for moderation, and I can’t find a way to mark something as waiting for moderation.

I’ve tried marking posts etc but I still can’t find a way to close a thread.

Am I not understanding something or I do I lack the necessary authorisation since the new vBulletin came in?

Click on the tick box to select the thread, then use the “Moderation Tools” box in the bottom right of the screen. Worked for me (see thread).

Have you been playing with red Kryptonite RS?

No, but I think Lex Luthor has been hanging around this forum. :wink: :smiley:

I dunno if I’ve somehow got a different version of vBulletin, but there’s no ‘close thread’ option there.

I have, however, now found it in ‘Administrative’ on the menu bar above the first post and used it to open and close the thread.

Bugajskij Pavlo sent me a PM apologising for the pointless thread.

One hopes he’ll lift his game in future.

The poster must be a youngun’ he pm’d me for some reason, just chit chat stuff, he’s from Ukraine, said something about the Carpathian Mountains. He has a weird vibe about him, not sure if he’s a troll though. Maybe another Russian spy sent to infiltrate the vast intelligence resources of the site. :slight_smile:

He’s 15 or 16 years old, at least that is what I read on his profile page. Don’t know how close to Chernobyl his parents lived though…

It’s 'cos you’re a fatherly figure.

Not in the priest sense (see below).

So far I’d just say he’s an earnest Ukrainian. Which by itself is certainly a worry. :wink:

You’re just sensitive because the FBI has found the last living cell of (not very good) Russian spies. Although if the half-way good-looking sheila wanted to suck information out of me, well …

Now, for the priest. This is the very short version.

Catholic couple get wiped out in a car prang on way to their wedding.

Arrive at the Pearly Gates and ask St Peter if they can be married in Heaven.

St Peter says this is a first and he’ll have to enquire.

Several months pass with frequent and earnest queries from couple, but St Peter can’t give a definite answer.

During this interval the couple begin to wonder if they really want to be shackled for eternity.

St Peter finally comes back and says they can be married in Heaven. Couple asks if it’s possible to get divorced in Heaven.

St Peter flings down his clipboard and yells: “It took me three months to find a priest. How long do you think it’s going to take me to find a ****ing lawyer?”

Good God, enough! It’s all over the news here and I get it! She’s hot, but if she looked like Rosie O’Donnell or something, I doubt there would be one-tenth the coverage…’

I’d like to see her with one tenth of the coverage in her pix.

Nice legs.

Remember, those are the People’s legs…(Not to mention all of the women populating whatever prison she is sent to.)