Where would we stand today without WW2 ?

If the Second world War never happened and Germany or Japan never invaded/attacked any countries, I think the Russians would of either Rissen up or become maybe a more significant country then the Usa, thats just my estimation if War didn’t break out in 1939.
Without Hitler would the Hippies exist in 1960
Maybe the World would be more of a Jewish place today then it is muslim and other religeons.
We Certainly wouldnt have movies to watch or games to play about WW2, or even this site, There could of been a totally different war which the Germans didn’t start and history revolving around that instead.
What would our governments be like?
Maybe the World would be much more populated.

Its all what ifs and Maybes, but its something seriously to think about, what are your suggestions?

Australia would still most likely be Anglo-Saxon and exlusively only for Anglo-Saxons without the diversity of Southern Europeans, Asians, Middle-easterns and africans

Why do you think so ?

Isnt it now? Correct me if Im wrong but isnt Australia based on the UK belief system and at it core shares the same values?

Why would no WW2 mean no immigration? or emmigration if you like?

Why do you think so ?[/quote]

Isnt it now? Correct me if Im wrong but isnt Australia based on the UK belief system and at it core shares the same values?

Why would no WW2 mean no immigration? or emmigration if you like?[/quote]

yes Australian core belief is VERY British influenced

2 answer both ur questions on immigrations is that prior to WW2 Australia had adopted a policy called The White Australia Policy, which by its name you know what that meant

it was basically just to keep Australia Anglo-Saxon, but other white stock, like the Germans and Dutch, and Slavs were accepted, as long as they looked British

so of course Greeks and Italian and most defiantly Asians and Africans werent permitted to enter Australia

however after WW2 and Australia realised how vulnerable we were (because of Japanese threat) Australia had to populate, and the PM at the time said Populate or Perish

so then after WW2 the White Australia Policy was dropped, and Southern Europeans were permitted to enter, then Asians and then eventually Africans, and now Australia is the most multicultural country in the world :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Why do you think so ?[/quote]

Isnt it now? Correct me if Im wrong but isnt Australia based on the UK belief system and at it core shares the same values?

Why would no WW2 mean no immigration? or emmigration if you like?[/quote]

yes Australian core belief is VERY British influenced

2 answer both ur questions on immigrations is that prior to WW2 Australia had adopted a policy called The White Australia Policy, which by its name you know what that meant

it was basically just to keep Australia Anglo-Saxon, but other white stock, like the Germans and Dutch, and Slavs were accepted, as long as they looked British

so of course Greeks and Italian and most defiantly Asians and Africans werent permitted to enter Australia

however after WW2 and Australia realised how vulnerable we were (because of Japanese threat) Australia had to populate, and the PM at the time said Populate or Perish

so then after WW2 the White Australia Policy was dropped, and Southern Europeans were permitted to enter, then Asians and then eventually Africans, and now Australia is the most multicultural country in the world :smiley: :smiley: :D[/quote]

Good reply and with some info I didnt know about. However, many countries are multicultural. I take it Australians still speak English and drive on the left and go to the pub etc etc…

I also imagine they are still a part of the Commonwealth and have The Queen as head of state?

Do you think that without WWII there would not have been any progression in the social aspects of Oz ?

India my still belong to the UK, and I think that we wouldn’t be as technologically advanced, maybe along the line of what we were at in 1985. Becuase in WWII, the first computer was made, and the strive to create more advanced weapons, radar, and tracking systems led to better technology.

Very good reply post minimalistix :!:
I think India would be indepedent, but Australia would still be quite under control from the British, even though these modern days, we still use the Union jack and under the Queens governmental vision, imigration would be substantionally different.

Australia would of most likely changed it’s flag sooner then that we only just changed it today, because if WW2 didn’t happen then the british wouldn’t of helped the Australians in PNG and N.A , the Australians wouldn’t of fought in D-day and we would declare ourselved properly independent.

Man of Stoat, please don’t critisize people’s work like that. If you absouletly must, take it up with a mod.

Has Australia changed its flag?

These guys have some interesting designs, which one would you choose?


Well I think you really have to say what if the 1st world war had not happened. Because the end of that war was the real setup for the 2nd world war. Lets face it Germany did get the shaft at the end of WW1. They didnt really lose the war they just couldnt keep going. Good thing too because just another giant waste of life. I really dont see how to many things could have been different given the end of ww1. Maybe if Hitler had been a pussy then maybe the Soviets would have started the war as komisar ombrok suggested. Hard to say really.

if world war two had never happened, countries today would be alot more willing to go to war, because they would have not gained the awful memories of world war two. the nuclear bomb would have been invented a little later, and maybe used in a smaller conflict that happened after world war two (like the korean war) because the US didnt know just how great the power of the nuclear bomb was and is. germany would still be pissed off about getting screwed in the treaty after WW1, and the japanese would still want to expand out from their chain of islands. the world population would be alot higher, 60 million people were lost in world war two, mostly young people who would later on have children. and finally, the US would not have emerged as such a big world power, and might have the lingering affects of the great depression to this day.

If WW2 hadn’t happened, the colour green would be distinctly redder than it is at the moment. Also, wild speculation would be approximately 15% wilder. Russia would be almost 6 inches to north of its current location, and the Germans would be famed for their yoghurt knitting industry.

I was actually going to name this room " where would we be if WW1 didn’t happen", but then i thought that i was on a WW2 website and didn’t wanna be out of topic :lol:
But yeah i totally agree Gen. Sandworm, if WW1 hadn’t occured then WW2 wouldn’t of followed, and if them Wars didn’t co-exist then chances are the Vietnam war, North korean War, Gulf War and all the other wards wouldn’t of engaged.
Would the nuclear bomb exist ???

What would have happened?

Millions of people in Eastern Europe would not have had to live under the oppressive yoke of Communism, that’s what.

For these people, the end of WW1 brought hope and democracy; the end of WW2 brought disappointment and 40 years of dictatorial Russian hegemony.

if ww1 had not happened-then it would have prevented world war 2. but a global conflict was not preventable during the 1900’s, there was simply too many bad leaders, and too many countries wanting for power. in a way, it is almost good that ww1 and ww2 happened at the beginning of the 1900’s. imagine if their was a world war in 1990, and nukes had never been used. hundreds and hundres of millions of people would have died.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Now that I like !

Since WW3 was averted by backing away from the Cuban Missile Crisis, does that mean we have to skip straight to WW4 for the next one?

Well as the septics were late for the last two it looks like they’re intent on being early for the next one.