Where's imi?

Are you still with us imi?


Just checked my friends list and noticed that imi is missing some of his profile information. 9:00PM EST.

His location is shown as “on the clouds”. His location had been listed as Hungary.

I remember reading in his profile that he had bone cancer and was estimated to have 6 months to live.

He did post earlier today. Has anyone been in contact with him?

Wherever he is, I hope he’s alright.

Time to post something, imi, old sport.

Is it all a joke?

Nope, this is surely no issue to joke about!

I’m 90% sure the “on the clouds” bit has been there since some time before he last posted, so no need to panic yet guys. Sheesh, a guy leaves the forum overnight and they’re already planning a funeral!

Some of us go away longer, and George doesn’t even bother ringing the funeral home. :frowning:

He definitely changed his settings just yesterday, even deleted his personal albums, avatar, signature and all. So concern is justified.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t even know what’s on my page.

About the only time I look at someone else’s page is when they’ve done something to attract negative attention to themselves.

Are people really sufficiently familiar with other members’ pages to know what’s there from day to day?

I check my profile every couple days or so just in case there are any messages. Imi had a prior message posted on my profile with his avatar adjacent to it. When I checked my profile last night at 9:00PM EST, I noticed that his avatar was gone. Checked his profile after that and noticed that he also deleted his photo albums and changed his location from Hungary to “on the clouds”. Having read previously of his medical condition, it did arouse concern.

If he is no more I wouldnt be very surprized, perhaps he is one of those people ( like me) who does not enjoy pictures of men with their heads chop off. Some people here seems to have orgasms with that kind of pics.

I can understand the pleasure in posting that kind of material and probably I never will.

Look who posted this picture:

Yeah, I don’t get off to that kind of stuff either. Years ago, someone very close to me lost his head and I was there moments after it happened. It’s not a pretty sight …

As we say down here, fairy nuff.

I hope it doesn’t indicate a worsening in imi’s condition.

Imi, me old china, if you’re reading this, just get better and post something instead of stuffing around with the cloud stuff.

What’s wrong with the PM notification top right?

It’s the only way I know I have one, from my legion of adoring fans. :smiley:

And some of us are disturbed by them for hours and days and even longer, as I have been by some of those photos and others that aren’t posted here.

Which is a very good reason for posting them, to remind us of what can really happen instead of Hollywood’s idea of war.

I hope he is alright, he was a great member to have. If his bone cancer is getting worse than I will put him in my prayers. But we shouldn’t worry lets be confident. Negativity never helped anyone. Lets just put him in our prayers.

i have been talking to imi regularly till this weekend, i consider some of these members actually friends of mine, im sorry for seeming like a mother hen, but im worried, george and flame , bless your hearts, peoples concerns for each other is the only reason this world is still here

I was away longer :smiley:

spent too much time with an Interner RP.

That guy has the will to live

Has anyone heard from imi? I came on too late to get to know him, but enjoyed his posts and dialogue. Hope he’s doing as well as can be.