which lmg would you carry, western front 1944? You have only 500 rounds.

bren 30 x 17

DP 47 x11

mg34 , mg42 250x2

bar 20x25

A bren!

MG-42 for sure, high fire rate and long range (some version is up to 1800 bullets per minute), which is much faster than bren. and consider the german would have tank support, i wouldnt mind having short of magazine

given the small ammo supply, i would probably use a weapon that was more conserving of ammunition like the Bren.

I agree, if short of ammo use the bren. If you’ve got a fair stack of rounds go with the MG42 every time.

Am MG 34,Not so much amo waste as the 42.
And I’m not sure,but it could fire also single shoots also?

the mg34 could fire single shots if properly controlled. so could the mg42!!!

actually, come to think of it, i’ll change my pick to the mg34. Fast barrel change, the ideal fire rate, and good accuracy.

MG-34 for me, drum Mag of course…

i doubt on MG 34 or 42 but deffinitely not a BAR, 20 rounds s**k in this type of weapon. The BAR also is very old it was used during WWI

Not wishing to rain on anyone’s parade, but you’re comparing different types of weapons here.

The Degtyarev and BREN as LMGs I can understand, but the 34 and 42 are GPMGs while the BAR was not designed for either role.

What did the Germans classify the Squad MG-34 and MG-42’s as? I dont think they called them GPMGs? Not sure though? Apart from the BAR, werent they all designed for the same purpose?

I need to know more about this I think.

No they didn’t, GPMG is a more modern term that (nearly) adequately describes the type.

Some countries class (or have classed) MGs in the SF role as ‘heavy’ - but this does clash with M2s, DShKs and KPVs that fire what we would consider heavy rounds.

As the 34s and 42s can be used in both the light and SF roles and are belt-fed they are a slightly different kettle of fish to the others - even though they all fire rifle carts.

Apart from the SF role, didnt the Germans use their MGs the same as the other allies LMGs then?

I have read up a wee bit now. German Rifle Squad of 1941 (typical) is equipped with 8K98, 1MP40 and 1MG-34. This is infantry, the Paras had 2 x MG-34 per squad.

Did the MG-34 affect the way they operated vis-a-vis an Allied squad?

The A2 model used in the war was only barley 2 years old, by the time of their entrance into the war.

I would have a BAR, the version that allowed the shooter to choose between fast and slow auto. Not having ammuntion in magazines makes it a little easier to fire it because you don’t have to have some guy loading you as you go. The BAR could also be fired standing up without a bi-pod which makes it more of rifle than a machine gun. I find it much more useful when compared to a MG-42 or something like that because it has several roles (rifle or machine gun). It’s also a good deal lighter than a '42.

My next choice would be the Bren. The only bad thing is the magazine being on top, so you have the sights on the side. But the 30 round magazine is a major plus.

While I’m still of the opinion that the question is a little skew, the BREN could also fire at two rates - semi-auto, (plus double tap,) and full-auto.
Having a top mounted mag does mean that the opr can go lower prone.

Edited to add the ‘t’ to the word ‘that.’

The A2 model used in the war was only barley 2 years old, by the time of their entrance into the war.[/quote]

Didn’t know that :oops:
thanks :wink:

Cuts, you can still go prone with a BAR, the magazine is short enough to allow the shooter to do so. And if you really just needed to get down completely, just turn the gun sideways.

Couple of answers re the MG34 and MG42; the Germans described them as universal machineguns but also had different desinations for them depending on their role (ie heavy with tripod and light without).

The MG34 is select fire, on the trigger there is a “full-auto” trip leaver. Pull on the top half of the trigger for single shot, bottom half for full-auto.

Between them, the barrel change on the MG42 is faster.

Both the MG34 and MG42 use the same “assault drum” which was nothing more than a belt bag. They are not magazines as such.

My preference? MG42 hands down, better reliablity and functionality than the MG34

You are on drugs, aren’t you ?