Which rifle is the best of these three

Which rifle do you think is the best and for what reasons.

Um, which rifle do YOU like best --and for what reason?

I’m sure if you’ve done a search here, you’d have seen this threads been done several times…

oops!! I didn’t think of search for previous threads on this topic.

But any way I like the Springfield. Ive never shot one but my great grandpa was a Marine in WW2 and served on Midway,Bouganville and couple other islands with the M1903. But what reallly neat is that he was up in Canada and had the chance to shoot one when he was 84 years old and was consistanly hitting a softball sized target at 600yrds. He hadn’t touched one since he was about 23 years of age. I know the marines stressed marksmanship but if an 84 year old man can shoot that good after 61 years that has to be a very good rifle.


PS at the time he was shooting about 1 shot every 5 seconds.:shock:

The '03A3.


Mainly the sights. The Mauser is a great gun for combat, and the '03A3 is a Mauser copy, but the '03s sights are so far ahead of the Mauser for low light shooting and snap shooting that really there is no comparison.

And quite alot of combat does happen in low light, not to mention many chances for a snap shot.

The Mosin Nagant is at best third place. The sights are not great, the safety is terrible if you have to use it fast, and the rimmed cartridge is definatly subpar (yes I’m well aware of the .303, but the rimmed cartridge is not a top-of-the-line design for the period.

I’ve heard good stories about maintenance and reliability for the Springfield. The Mosin-Nagant was great in that it was cheap and easy to make and didn’t take a lot of effort to teach someone to maintain it well enough. The Kar98 probably shares some of the qualities of the Springfield, as they are both derived from the Mauser family of rifles of the 1880’s/90’s. I’ve also read about the Springfield’s phenomenal accuracy, which the Kar98 sacrifices slightly in favor of a shorter overall length.

M1 Garand is the ww2 strongest rifle I think

I’m sorry but I will have to definitely have to disagree with you on this point. the 7.62x54r is the oldest cartridge still in regular combat service with several major armed forces in the world used in both their sniper rifles and machine guns! Not bad for a round that was introduced in 1891. Yes the slugs and powder loads have changed over the years but the casing hasn’t. Portions of this casing was way ahead of its time. The case is significantly wide in relation to its length and it features a rather sharp shoulder angle. This design is being used again with the new Short Magnum rifle cartridges.

The Mosin-Nagant is a popular rifle action to wildcat for vary large caliber rifles because of its magazine for the rimmed rounds it fires and its robust action.

Say what you want about the Mosin-Nagant, but the 7.62x54r is a very capable round than as it still is today.

It may be the oldest, but come on… the 30-06 was developed in … 1906! And untill recently we used the 30-06 in our sniper rifles. Same goes for the 12.7x99mm (that’s the M2 .50). It’s been around a long time. And the 11.45x23 (known as the .45 ACP) has been here since 1911.

Yes the 7.62x54r is capable, but sub-par. Far better cartridges for military use have been developed and used since then.


The Pistol was adopted in 1911, but the .45 acp cartridge was available in 1905. The Colt model 1905 was chambered for it.

Colt model 1905 pistol.jpg

What is sub par with this round? Just because it has a rim? Yes, the rim requires the rounds to be placed slightly ahead of the round under it but with this extra material it allows a much better extraction especially in a machine gun. The average muzzle velocity of the 7.62x54r is 2,700 the 30-06 is 2,675 the 303 is 2,400 The 7.62x54r has better ballistics that the 30-06.

What rounds? The .223? the 7.62x39 These rounds are not even in the same class. These rounds are way outclassed in knock down power. The 30-06 is stilled used in today’s US military. The .223 rnd is a joke. It has a high muzzle velocity but with such a light slug looses velocity energy quickly ( knock down power ) With the 7.62 and the 30-06 both have comparable slugs. That is why the M-14 is being reissued to US troops, they need the knockdown power.

Please back up your claim with some kind of hard evidence. I can just blurt out an answer. Were are the facts? And no the Mosin-Nagant is by far not my favorite rifle. I put it slightly higher than the Chauchat and T-99

I beleive the Colt 1905 was the first to use the 45acp round not the 1911. I have a 1904 in 38 cal and a 1905 in 45 cal
The 50cal was developed as a WW1 anti-aircraft round but I think it entered service too late to be used

That was a close vote,but I would go with the KAR.

The issue is not the ammo, although technically it can be demonstrated to be somewhat inferior to the others.

The MN is a bit better than a club or stone ax.

Far below Mausers and Spflds in quality and design.
The Spfld sight is a bit over designed for combat, but it was a time when long range shooting was an ongoing concept.

They are crude and can be unreliable due to actions siezing up from dirty or fouled chambers and the terrible safety.

The others are far easier to use and much more reliable.

I have owned varieties of each over the years.

Springfield M1903A3
Its the only one I’v heard of . hangs head in shame

If you’re talking about bolt-action battle rifles, why not include the .303 Lee-Enfield in the list?

Why not include the Arisaka which, in its various forms, served not only with the Japanese but with the Royal Navy, Russia, China and others? http://www.gunslot.com/pictures/65x50mm-arisaka

These narrow fixed choice polls are a waste of time and bandwidth.

i own all 3. the KAR shoots best, but the springfield is a close second. the MN is pretty battle used, and that may negatively affect it, but it shoots for crap compared to the other two.

kar98k of course!

There are many other rifles that were used in WW2 so why only pick 3, why not pick the main rifle from each of the main protagonists and discuss the points for and against.

For me the Lee Enfield No4 I have fired 20 aimed shots (charger reload) in a minute with this weapon, it has a very easy and smooth bolt action and was used until the 90’s in the UK Forces (re-chambered to 7.62 NATO).
The No 5 Carbine version had a bit of a kick though.

Ill go for the springfield, is compact and has a very good handling, obviously the charm of the Kar 98 and the sinister look of the Mosin are heavy things when you put this 3 togheter and might influence more than one person.
