if you had around 200 rounds for each gun, which one would you carry to combat in, forsay, the western front 1944? (ppsh-41s were brought from russia to france by the germans)

magazine sizex numbers of mags

ppsh-41 70x3

mp40 30x7

thompson 20x11

sten 30x7

PPSH -41for sure, high power of fire rate, and can work in bad condition

I would probably bring the mp40. the firing rate is 400-450rpm, which is optimal for accuracy. Also, the mp40 is lighter most of the other weapons.

I definitely wouldn’t chose the sten, had a habit of emptying itself if dropped! :shock: Although the MP40 is lightweight what matters, IMHO, with SMGs is the weight of fire you can put down. As the PPSH has a greater mag capacity and is easily servicable then i would chose that.

i’ve heard that the ppsh climbs like crazy due to its very fast rate of fire.

MP 40 for sure.
Much easy to carry,to hide and more accurate.

I would have to go for the MP-40 as well, the bigger mag of the PPSh would just encourage me to spray away like crazy!

Mp40 due to all facts stated above and it seems to be the easier one to handle.

The Thompson because of its .45 caliber bullet. It had great knock down power. Many people say its inacurate, but any weapon can be acurate when used properly.

MP-40 its easy to carry ,and i like it. 8)

How do you work that one out ?

The Thompson I fired was acurate. :?

the thompson is supposed to have an effective range of 50m. The mp40 has an effective range of 100m.

the mp40 is probably better for general use. I know from a relative that if you clean it regularly and load 30 rounds in the magazine, it is absolutely reliable.
however, if i need to clear a house at point blank ranges, i would go for the thompson.

Bollocks, both have an effective range of about 200m after that it becomes too hard to reliably hit the target (but the bullet will still do the damage if it hits).

I find it hard to believe that a 9mm round has a greater range than that of a .45 ACP round. I’ve fired a Thompson, and I love it. It is very accurate and controllable. The .45 round also has a much greater stopping power than a 9mm round.

for your information



Caliber: 9x19mm Luger/Para

Effective range: ca. 100 meters


~ 50 meters

Hosenfield, not everything on the web is 100% correct.

Yes the world.guns.ru site is a popular reference and for Russian guns it is fantastic since the owner is Russian and has local sources at his disposal. But people make mistakes and this is one.

A 1911A1 pistol has an effective range is about 50m, only because of the training required to shoot accuratly past that range with a handgun. Many competent pistol shooters will be able to hit a man sized target at 100m with a .45 pistol.

So you want me to believe that a shouldered automatic weapon with a longer barrel can’t do the same? Yeah right!

One of the things that has to be remembered is that all of these weapons fire from an open bolt. The MP40 has a particularly heavy bolt and when the trigger is released, the weapon moves considerably due to the movement of the bolt.

I’ve not fired any of these live, but I’ve handled and dry fired all of them and thus have an idea about how much movement there is before the round goes bang. The MP40 was probably the worst offender.

MP40 ,accuracy,rate of fire,more confortable than other weapons,it doesn’t get out off countrol like the PPSh.
everything that you need in the world war 2 is this and an attractive women made in the soviet union.

Thompson! .45 APC bullets… MWAHHAHAHA :twisted: Great Accuracy, looks cooler than MP40 :stuck_out_tongue: