Who are those gentlemens in photo?

Hello guys
Do somebody know who here in the photo get parade with Nazi :wink:

Hi! Let me try.

Iā€™m not sure, but one of them with moustache must be Stalin. We all know that him and Hitler were the best friends.


Well let me try!

This is a picture during the Munich Agreement. From Left to Right (Dont know), Adolf Hitler, (guessing Edouard Daladier), Neville Chamberlain, (background appears to be Reinhard Heydrich), (maybe Eduard Benes)

Proof im not to far off:

My guess again from left to right:

??? - Hitler - Ribbentrop - Chamberlain - Benes

On the background: Reinhard Heydrich (tall guy between Camberlain and Benes)

I donā€™t think Ribbentrop had a mustache

Bloke on Chamberlainā€™s left (right of picture) could be Sir Neville Henderson, British Ambassador to Germany. http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://img.timeinc.net/Life/covers/1940/cv032540.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.life.com/Life/covers/1940/cv032540.html&h=480&w=360&sz=18&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=KVNdWGV295nlxM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=97&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%22neville%2Bhenderson%22%2B%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

EDIT ADDED: The reason I think itā€™s Henderson is that he was very much in favour of the Munich Agreement. The difference between his gaunt appearance in the 1940 Life photo and the fuller face in the 1938 Munich photo can be attributed to suffering from cancer diagnosed about the time of the Munich Agreement until it killed him in 1942. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3686/is_200112/ai_n9008601

Little fat bloke behind Chamberlainā€™s right shoulder could be Oliver Hardy of Laurel and Hardy fame. :slight_smile:


Thanks guys.
My promptingā€¦
There is no Hitler in this photo :wink:
As you absolutly right noticed this is the visit of the British delegation in head with N, Chemberlian to the Reich on 29 sep 1938.

Another foreshortening
From left to the right
Gruppenfurher SS Rihard Heidrich, France Ritter von Epp,Karl Failer, Adolf Vagner, Hristian Veber and Nevill Chembarlain.


I was wondering if it was Hitler, purely because my recollection is that he didnā€™t wear decorations on his uniform and the bloke that looks like him has a chest full. But I couldnā€™t find a picture to compare it with, so I shut up.

And I was right, apart from the Iron Cross he was entitled to wear. Googling ā€œHitlerā€ is a lot better than ā€œHitler decorationsā€

You was right Rising Sun
As as right supposed Egorka and Gen Sandworm last on the right side is the Edvard Benes - the president of Chehoslovakia in 1935-38 yy.The tall man behind is the R.Heydrich who was killed later in summer 1942.

So the one in the middle is Ribbentrop. Right?

Note, we have a lot of moustaches but no Stalinā€¦ strangeā€¦

He He He :slight_smile:
This is quite impossible mate if there is no Stalin.He must be somewhere behind :wink:

Maybe Stalin took the photo? :slight_smile:

Rising Sun: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: A good one!

This would be a good general topic! Maybe we can post more photoā€™s and attempt to see who they are!

Why is not Gen?
This is a good idea. Have you any example of ā€œunknownā€ photo?

Here is my tryā€¦ Who are these handsome men? I guess one of them is well known, but the other oneā€¦
And to make it interesting, who is on the portrait? :wink:

klick to enlarge:

Well mate, give me the chance :wink:
Perhaps this is Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry
He had visited the Nazy from 30 jenuary - 4 febuary of 1936.and meted with Hitler and Hoering in his hunting castle.
He wa one of the greatest admirer of Anglo-German friendship in the Kingdom befor ww2.
Am i right?

Nope. Not him.

A tip: it is year 1940.