Who can tell me?

Do you know who/country and aircraft found Auschwitz Nazi extermination camp? I know the which country it was and what aircraft it was but can you tell me?


I think it was an American or British. I may be wrong but i think it was a P-51 or something flew over it?

i know it was a reconnaiscance plane but i do not know the pilot and i am pretty sure it was the americans

The Allied Air Forces came to the Auschwitz area because of the important war industry located in this region of Upper Silesia (Polish territory which was annexed to the Third Reich in 1939). In early 1944, there were intelligence reports of a giant fuel and artificial rubber factory in Monowitz. On April 4th, 1944, a Mosquito plane from 60 Photo Recon Squadron of the South African Air Force flew out of Foggia base in Southern Italy to photograph the factory. It was the IG Farben factory at Monowitz, only 4km from Birkenau. In order to ensure complete coverage of the target, it was common practice to start the camera rolling ahead of time, and stop it slightly over time. As a result, the Auschwitz camp was photographed for the first time.

Quoted from source

Dani you are correct. One such Mosquito hangs from the roof of the SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL MUSEUM OF MILITARY HISTORY
JOHANNESBURG and I must say it is a great plane. You sure did do your homework.

I also thought it was Brittish aircraft that pictured it.

So does someone else got a interesting qestion for us about WW2 that you do not normaly read in the History books.


Henk, we have such a thread here: http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=483

I am sorry Dani but the other day could not find it anywhere and thought thus it was no longer on the Forum. :oops: You can move the posts made here there or just delete it if you want to.

I appolagise again.


iwonder what went throught thier head as they flew over it?

Probably not a lot, as it looked just like a factory ( which it was ) and spread out over about 40 different camps too…

Yes, it looked like one big factory, but when they looked closer on the picture they could see the prissoners being led to a other area and the cremation fire in the upper left corner. I had the picture but I lost it. I will try to find it again.


very interesting.
i have learned more here than in high school.

Here is the picture that they took that day. I found it, but I can not remember where I got it.

Do you see the smoke in the left of the picture, it is the crematoriam.
