"Who do you think you are kidding, Mr 'itler ?" - British Forces | Gallery

"Who do you think you are kidding, Mr 'itler ?"

Posed publicity photo showing British Home Guard NCOs learning the mysteries of the Vickers (Maxim) water-cooled machine gun. Given that this weapon was in first-line combat use by the British, Empire and Dominion armies throughout the war, it is unlikely that too many Home Guard units received such weapons - although it is clear that some, in the South-East of England at least, did. Circa 1940. Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/british-forces/52648/%22who-do-you-think-you-are-kidding-mr-'itler-%22

Without water cooling and ammo they wouldn’t kid anyone I guess :)Just ‘kidding’ of course,those BHG guys deserve respect,probably more than a few of them served in WW1.They knew better than anyone what could happen if Mr 'itler had gotten his boots wet.

"learning the mysteries of the Vickers (Maxim) water-cooled machine gun"


Good point, brummbar. A fair number of Home Guard members needed little introduction to the Vickers and its kind. Machine-gun skills were, apparently, highly valued in the Home Guard. I read of particular Home Guard officer, a former head of a machine-gun company, who propelled himself to the top of his HG unit on the strength of his skills in this area, for which he was much respected. Best regards, JR.