Who from your relatives was at war?

My great-grandfather has gone through all war. Had set of awards. For example " an award of a red star ". Set of medals. Among them a medal " for protection of Moscow ". Has been hard wounded, but has remained it is alive. My grandfather was born in 1937. It{he} much to me told about that time. As was then hard. And as people died from famine. But worked on rear for a victory. It is a pity, that I cannot show you a photo of these awards.

:arrow: :arrow:

Both my grandfathers were in World War 2 One of them was training to be an air gunner, however he encountered some physical problems and moved down to managing planes or som. like that. He was in North Africa, and also transferred to the RAF in Italy. He told of how bombs would almost hit the camp.

My other grandfather was in the 1st Transvaal Scottish Regiment as a tpr. and fought all over North Africa and I think he was even in El Alamein with the 1st South African Infantry Division. He might of got slightly wounded, I am not sure.

I also have some medals.

Ok well my story isnt a good as the previous 2 posts. My grandfather was in the US Army and stationed in New Guinea during WW2. He nevered talked about it to much. He would grip and say the he was the only person that dug foxholes and then others would steal them. He did not and would not go camping or ever even consider going camping after the war.

My other grandfather was in the US Coast guard. Unfortunalty he died long before I was born. So I dont know much. He joined the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed. He was stationed in the pacific theater untill the end of the war.

My grandfather was in the Coast guard. He was going to go to the Pacific and drive the higgins boats in. However he got sick and got an honorable discharge prior to entering into harms way. His brothers were in the Pacific and I believe all of them were POW’s. One was in Osaka POW camp and Bataan Death march. The other one was in a special forces unit after ww2 he went into the mountains and down into occupied China or something along those lines the story is fuzzy I will have to ask and re-get the whole information about that. My uncle was in Europe in the 2nd Armored division. He was a tank commander and I really offhand don’t know to much about what and where he went aside from the pictures he took of everything. My other grandfather was in the Army and was in the enterainment block but missed the ship so he never got shipped out. I believe there were more that were in the war but I am not sure about them though I will have to ask and find out. My uncle is the one responsible for the stuff I have in my possession today, such as lots of pics, books, armbands etc.

Wow, alot of your family members went in the war.

Two of my Great Uncle’s were in the Pacific theater. One of them stepped on a landmine and lost his memory and the other liberated some American POWs. My other great uncles fought in Europe. One of them was a tank commander in the 2nd Armored Divison. He was severly wounded when a german machine gun opened up on him when they were crossing a field near the Rhine I believe. He survived the war but was hurt badly. My other great uncle in Europe was taking recon. photos when he was shot down. He survived the crash but got a metal plate bolted in his head because his skull was cracked. There are many more but I cannot recall offhand at the moment.

Two my grandfather fight for Stalingrad and Kenigsberg and more other, but realy cool he is fight for Reihstag!

Wow, they are heros, true soldiers.

I have a very unusual relatives… My granmother(father line) was member of Leningrad’s blocade but her lover and my grandfather(they wasn’t wedded) was a german high officer, I don’t kow much about him… And my second grandfather was a colonel of NKVD army.

My grandfather along the papinoy line was married on the German, before to war him it had to ugnpt’ into Germany, but it was rescued because of its wife!

My Grandfather was in France in 39 with the BEF serving in the RAF.
He went on to the middles east where he spent most of the rest of the war.

Not WWII I know, but…

My father was in the 7th Marines Division at Chosin Reservoir Noth Korea -the bloodiest battle in the history of modern warfare. 240,000 Chinese attacked 27,000 UN troops, mostly fighting the tiny force of 7,000 USMC that were at the front. The Chinese tossed bagfuls of hand grenades and used cheap sub machineguns. Most of the Marines used an M1 Carbine, some had Thompsons, a few had Garands. The kill ratio was 10-1 in favor of the US Marine Corps. The temperature was -40 F and medics were putting ampules of morphine in their mouths to thaw them for injection into the wounded. Dead Chinese soldiers were frozen stiff and pulled up to the edge of the foxholes by US marines to use their rock hard bodies as additional cover from the massive onslaught. The fighting was very close, mostly 200 yards or less as waves of Chinese soldiers ran over a hill at the small American force. If ever there was hell on earth, it was there and then.

Obviously, he survived, for I am here writing this. : )

I see lots of heros here! :slight_smile:

This might be getting a bit off topic but I thought I would share this story with you guys nonetheless. My father, bless his heart, is not exactly what you would call armed forces material. Can sell a ketsup popcicle to a woman in white gloves but not an ideal candidate for the service. Anyhow in 1968 my father (just married) is flunking out of college. Those that were not in college where being drafted and sent to Veitnam. So my Grandfather(WW2 Veteran) calls him and tells him to join the Air National Guard to keep from getting drafted. So my dad thinks everything will be fine no worries. He joins and 3 days after he joins the North Koreans sieze the USS Pueblo. President Johnson anticpates possible miltary action there and activates all reserves units including the Air National Guard. The Air National Guard hadnt been activated in since WW2. So my father is trained and was sent to South Korea for 2 years. He said the nearest phone that could call the US was 2 hours away in Seoul. Since he got back he has no want to go camping or leave the country ever again. I just thought this was a funny story. :smiley:

My grandfather and grandmother was prisonier in Auchwitz and they meet on this hells place

:cry: so sorry,that was a hell,I know,there were bad soldiers and good soldiers,good soldiers fought in the front,bad soldiers were cowards in a concentration camp.

I can imagine why he would not have wanted to go camping. I guess he saw all the out-of-doors anyone could ask for in Korea. : )

As for the prison camp, yes that is tragic. Schätzer you are right, I think such soldiers are cowards. Personally, I think Hitler was sent to earth from hell, even if he did not realize it.

I knew someone whose grandperants helped hide some jews in their house during WW2. And then the Germans would be searching everywhere, but luckily they didnt get found.

OK as we arn’t sticking rigidly to the WW2 era, one Great grandfather was RSM of the West Yorkshire Regt in the 1st WW, during WW2 my Grandfathers were miners or steelworkers which were reserved occupations. My father was in Palastine, Malaya and Korea (had his National service extended by 2 years), my cousin was in the Falklands War and I was in Northern Ireland (ok not so much a war but I count anything where I’m being shot at) and Iraq (2003).

Had a cousin KIA at Pearl Harbor (USS Arizona); an uncle w Patton’s 3rd; father-in-law repaired B29s on Guam; cousin over-run by Chicoms in Korea; I was in Vietnam.