Who hates America / Americans?

I’m watching a serious Australian news program where an American commentator is being interviewed and he says that his experience is that in Europe and other places Americans are not too welcome, but he and they don’t have that problem in Australia.

That’d be my view.

I don’t agree with Bush and his idiot cabal and their marvellous attempts to bring the world into greater conflict than it already was, and that’s about the view of most people I know. Most Australians, that is, but there is the occasional Bush fan. The small number of Americans I know are much more hostile to Bush, and a couple of them are Republicans!

The general view here, at least among people I know, is that America can be a serious international PITA and a serious risk to international peace (I am not joking.), but Americans as individuals aren’t the problem and will just be treated as found, i.e. They’re okay unless they do something to cause people to form a different view.

How do people elsewhere view Americans?

In Denamrk among my 14+ colleagues NO ONE (including my self) can say almost anything good about American politics. We have several nationalities in here me being the only one from a former Socialist country… So be informed.

Regarding the normal American citizens, the word “hate” that you used is not correct. There is no hate in here (there is even very little actual hate towards Americans in Russia). People here can not understand the American urge for guns, fast food and supporting war in Iraq.

As an American that has spent 3 years abroad (all in Scandinavia) and meet many different ppl from many different places. I run into the occassional asshole that hates Americans. Most ppl around here (nordic countries) like American ppl. Bush is pretty much hated everywhere. I get all kinds of questions about American politics. Most ppl from Nato countries will tell you that some years ago when American said Jump they Jumped too. But with the invasion of Iraq and the US war on terror ppl have begin to question the US and their actions. Seems now that those questions have turned into anti-american government views. Alot of foreigners dont see understand why the Americans dont do something or even get the fact that they are pissing off old allies. There are many other factors as well but these seem to be the highlights.

I cant tell you the utter contempt I felt when I saw my countrymen denoucing all things French just because France took a different stance on the war in Iraq. IF you look at French history this is nothing uncommon…France has always looked out for the best interest of France. They helped the Americans fight the Brits in the war of independence just to piss the Brits off. Other factors im sure but doesnt go much deeper than that. Of course they wanted to see we were serious before a major deployment.

So bottom line…Most ppl get along with the American ppl quite well. But I have meet very few ppl that like Bush at all. IMO he has damaged our foriegn policy almost to the point of disrepair. It will be many years before things get back to the way they used to be…if ever.

Just my view of things.

It might be a lot worse down here if the Dems get in a US President
and remember which of the idiot English-speaking governments had their heads right up Bush’s arse. And it wasn’t the Canadians, who live next door to the US but have an inspirational sense of idependence.

Anyway, back to the topic, I gather that you’ve found the same division in Scandanavia that I perceive here, which is that people may be opposed to the US government but not to individual Americans.

first off…let me say i love the title of this…no BS…

So bottom line…Most ppl get along with the American ppl quite well. But I have meet very few ppl that like Bush at all. IMO he has damaged our foriegn policy almost to the point of disrepair. It will be many years before things get back to the way they used to be…if ever.

amen…preach on brother sandworm…
the bush administration has set this country back in so many ways , both domestically ,and foreign policy wise, that i’m not sure america will ever be able to recover…
as far as folks not understanding us…well, thats to be expected…

kinda like expecting democracy to work in places like iraq,russia,saudi arabia or afghanistan.

In Denamrk among my 14+ colleagues NO ONE (including my self) can say almost anything good about American politics. We have several nationalities in here me being the only one from a former Socialist country… So be informed.

neither can most folks here in america given that ,on average, only about 35-40% of eligible voters actually vote in any elections,if that.

most folks that i have met i differing parts of the world seem to not have a proplem with the american people per se’ but many have problems with our goverment policies…especially lately…which is understandable.the only people that have a running problem with us as a people seem to be many islamic countries…but they have been yacking about how we are hell bound anyway for years before the current “war of terror”…(lol…thanks borat)

People here can not understand the American urge for guns, fast food and supporting war in Iraq.

wellll…let me answer the first two,since they are easier and more people than not here in the states have some level of problem with the war in iraq.

guns…well, i guess 'cause they are part of the american psyche…(as i sit here with a Colt SA .45 on my desk…lol…)
fast food…this is one habit that we as a nation need to drop, though i do like a good Super Sonic Jalapeno double cheeseburger once in a while…most folks like it because of convenience issues.with both spouses working in most two parent households it just easier to grab something on the way home for the family than go through the process of cooking dinner after both of you have been working…

Americans as a people are too compilcated to easily understand, and no easier to explain. We are an intricate mix of cultures, and ideas. So the somewhat Amoebic way we do things is confusing to many other nation’s people. As individuals, Americas can be even more confusing because of the many different people that make up our citizenry. There is considerable variation in the American populace, The U.S. being so large, that regional dialects, and customs will vary widely. So, If you happen to meet, and get to know 5 different Americans, you will find that they do not come from a “cookie cutter” society. The Gentleman from Austrailia is correct in saying “take them as you find them” .
As to the “urge for guns” I can tell you that this country was founded by people who had experienced the bad side of Governments in their native lands, and the possible need to protect ones self from The Government should it decide that it, doesnt need to ensure the freedom of the people. That is why the Constitution’s first 10 Amendments spell out clearly, the rights of the citizenry ,and any future Gov’ts ability to change the rules set forth in the constituion. Whether the threat comes from within, or without, we will defend our country, and this constitution guarantees it. and you may own what firearmes you want , as many as you want, even automatic, and artillary are available to the any citizen not disqualified by criminal history.
Now as far as “fast food” goes, you got me there, No one really knows why it sells so well here, its not that good, and fairly expensive. I like Pizza as much as the next guy, but I dont eat it everyday… Though I do have to say that more and more fast food chains are moving into better quality, healtier foods these day. Americans are realizing that it is in their best interests to eat better than they have. There is a joke here that its not nessessary to use force of arms to take over a country, just set up McDonalds, and wal-mart, and that will do it.
We are all different, and if you met 10 thousand Americans, the 10thousand and first will still surprise you. Even Mr. Bush. and he will be gone from Washington in a couple years, and everyone will have somebody new to complain about…

Hate Americans? Heck no. Some of my best friends are Americans. By Americans I take it you mean US citizens? For Americans surely come from the whole of America.

Niggly point I know, but it always makes me laugh and with that laugh is the crux of Americans. I have served and lived in many countries including the USA and in only that one do I here the words ‘my fellow Americans’ or ‘we Americans’ or citizens of America’. Nothing wrong with that in essence but I do think it points to one small problem with the USA. Your far to inward looking as a majority (sure I know many Americans who arent).

But this observation isnt enough to hate anyone, I may hate the government policy, as I may hate my owns. But hate the whole country? No. I think there is a lot of jealousy out there as we brits used to be hated the same 100 years ago for being in exactly the same position as the US is now, undisputed world champion that no other nation can interfere with.

In another 30 years we will all be saying who hates the Chinese and eating at Uncle Chins or something similar and hankering for the good old days when we didnt have to learn Cantonese to get along.

This is a major problem with Americans. Especially those from the interior US. Around the coasts and boarders ppl seem to be a bit more outward looking. Classic example is my father…1968 he was flunking out of college. My grandpa (ww2 vet) told him to join up to avoid being drafted and hence going to Vietnam. He did and 3 days later the N. Koreans siezed the USS Pueblo. So he was soon off to S. Korea for 18 months. No offense to the Koreans but was a pretty crappy place back then. So my dad just assumes that the rest of the world is like 68 S. Korea. :smiley: All attempts to break this view have failed miserably.

I find it troublesome to speak with alot of the ppl from my area when i go back coz of my time abroad. Its kinda like hopping out of your body and watching yourself for awhile. You see a different story.

I had enough trouble learning English (plus the broken bits of the Nordic langs and a bit of German) …:D. Plus my handwriting is awful. Dont think ill be getting on with that language.

Oh how many a excellent american guys in here :wink:
I/m rather think we have to call this thread as " how much we misunderstand the USA and its policy".

I have to recognize that personaly me have no hate or any other problems with americans.Becouse i don’t think the our difference ( that really exists) could be the problem.
I just have a few problem with some of american views toward the my country.:smiley:

If i’ve understand right the all of americans blamed the Bush’s external wrong policy.
So i have a copuple of questions:
-If the ameriacans really understand its responsibility for a safety in the world - why did they let him to begin this adventure in Iraq 4 years ago?I can’t remember that somebody gived him a notice about danger in the invasion into Iraq.

  • And why nowaday when the everybody has saw this was a mistake they blamed only Bush in this?Why has he became the only one “scapegoat” for this?
    I mean why all those lobbies in the USA congress and gov (who voited for the operation “Iraq freedom” only 4 years ago and who spreaded the propoganda in mass media about " quick succesfull war") nowaday blamed the Bush in all sins?
    BTW My personal oppinion is : if i was an american i would voited for the Bush- he is really like me becouse of his principial points, that nevertheles was a mistaken. But he at least behave himself more honestly inspite of “his basis”.


Well IMO…Bush is not the sole “scapegoat” … many things throughout the last century have lead up to the disaster today. One thing alot of ppl in the US didnt understand or disregarded was President Eisenhowers warning about he US military industrial complex. MIC is the capitalist industry in the US which makes weapons of war. They dont dont near as well when no war is going on. Since Eisenhower made this speech just about every President since has had a military situation somewhere on the globe.

In so far as your question regarding why did we go to war in the 1st place. Alot of ppl will say we were dupped. I say we just didnt do our homework. I believe in the war in Afganistan…however I do not believe we should have ever gone into Iraq. Yet at the time…I like most Americans was convinced they were a threat to our nation.

It would seem to me that most Americans get disgruntled with any conflict that lasts over 3-4 years. Even during WW2 many were not happy and were ready for the war to be over. Even some of my die hard Bush supporting friends have started to change their minds. Mostly the blame comes on Bush because he is the Commander-in-Chief of the US armed forces. However…he should not be solely blamed for the current situation. Many others had their finger in the pie if you know what I mean.

Bad thing about being a US president. Anything goes wrong you take the blame. Even if its not your doing. Jimmy Carter is a classic example of getting a bad reputation for things that were out of his control.

It’s easy to criticise - far too easy.
We are all different. Our differences sometimes seperate us, but when we come together and explore our differences, they serve to enrich us. As they do on this site.

2 documentaries that I totally recommend if you havent seen.

Why we fight. By the BBC.


You can watch all 4 parts here.

Fog of war with former Sect. of Defense. Robert McNamara

Full movie here.


Very excellent - thank you!

I am a american and i know that almost every nation hates us mostly because of Bush and just to tell you I HATE BUSH (no offence to the peeps for bush) but he would of never gave us a good country name anyway of some kind, o and what are the new elections freking hillary cliton is in the race and just come on

I agree with this statement 100%. Also I think a lot of people dislike or hate what they cannot have. We cant be that bad because why do so many people want to come here to live?

I too would like to see Bush out of office for a few reasons ;
His family’s wealth came from BIG oil and look at the gas prices now. Is there a reason why the big oil company’s have a profit of 300 billion dollars per quarter ?
Many people in Bush’s administration have profited in many ways from the War. I don’t dislike anyone anyone from different country’s :slight_smile: and I have a long list of different country’s that I would like to visit in my life time if I can ever afford it lol.

I guess this is turning to a thread on President Bush. I think Bush is doing a good job, the only place I think he screwed up on big time is the dang illegal immigration policy, he is leaving our borders wide open. I say sheriff Joe Arpaio for President… Go Joe,.

agree. Its obvious the some peoples in his administration are geting profit from oil in this war.
The two of the worstest things in this situation IMO - the simple peoples get the rising the prise for the gasoline, and the arad world get the additional money to continie its dirty spread of islamism. So we have the two ridicilous points in here -Bush fight with terrorism in Iraq , but the sponsor of terrorism Iran&ko get the profit of this war.

Thanks Gen for the frankness.
But i have no idea how could the Iraq has threated the USA;)

It would seem to me that most Americans get disgruntled with any conflict that lasts over 3-4 years. Even during WW2 many were not happy and were ready for the war to be over. Even some of my die hard Bush supporting friends have started to change their minds. Mostly the blame comes on Bush because he is the Commander-in-Chief of the US armed forces. However…he should not be solely blamed for the current situation. Many others had their finger in the pie if you know what I mean.

That’s exactly what i mean in my previous post Gen :wink:
Sure you right too much of other peoples has thiir fingers in the pie.I know it from the our russian experience in the 1994-96 during the first chechen compain.

Bad thing about being a US president. Anything goes wrong you take the blame. Even if its not your doing. Jimmy Carter is a classic example of getting a bad reputation for things that were out of his control.

Absolutly agree.
The presiden Yeltsyn deserved his reputation for the events that he could not controlled.

I’ve never understood that. In the nation which has consistently been the strongest advocate for democracy (although often somewhat hypocritically, e.g. Chile anti-Allende / pro-Pinochet; much of Hussein’s reign in Iraq), and has the strongest working democratic constitution which is given real teeth in practice by the Supreme Court and the people, most people still aren’t interested in participating in the most basic element of modern democracy at the ballot box.

I don’t know whether it indicates that a lot of people feel disconnected from the political process; that they realise that both major parties are essentially parties of the centre and a change of government doesn’t necessarily have much direct impact on the individual; or that the democracy is so strong they feel they don’t need to participate. Any ideas?

Down here, we have compulsory voting. You don’t vote, or at least you don’t attend a polling booth and get your name crossed off the roll, you get fined. It’s where democracy and authoritarianism meet. I haven’t noticed that it’s any more successful than optional voting systems in producing better governments, given that ours has been run by Shrub (a small Bush) for over a decade. :smiley: It just means that more people are forced to be responsible for bad decisions. :smiley:

“war of terror”…(lol…thanks borat)

Beats me how he got out of that rodeo alive, especially after singing the Kazakhstan anthem to the tune of the American one. And that horse falling over at exactly the right moment was brilliant. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, even if I was squirming the whole time.