Who hates France / Frenchs ?

I’m not talking about Sarkozy and his (lack of) policy but about French in general.

But do you hates us because of the war in Iraq, our cheese, the Eiffel tower …?

Errr… you’re Norwegian and describing the French as “us”?

In any case, it’s much simpler than that. We haven’t forgiven you for 1066 yet!

I went in a plane and 2 hours later, i was in Norway. → this is the explanation of the mystery

What is this 1066 ?

Sorry my friend is not so up to date on history

Gen. Sandworm explain to me about Norman invasion which was a good idea. (I"m french and Norman (norwoman?))

Well, something wrong about our culture, our personality, our vine, a bad experience ?

Do you love us ?

I like the country but couldn’t live there for more than a few weeks - too frustrating if you ever want to get anything done fast.

I’ve only been to France twice. Once in 1983 and again in 1999. Paris was very interesting, but I found the people in Normandy (Caen) to be somewhat more friendly. Overall, I have enjoyed my visits there.

French - I love it! :wink:

Well I love French fries, French onion soup, French kissing, women with French accents, and I’d love to see the south of France. I’m part (Norman) French. So, I don’t hate the French. And while there has always been a bit of an Anglo(speaking)-French divide, it seems most of the current political stuff is rooted in Charles de Gaulle making them convenient political targets for the current but waning crop of US leaders that make de Gaulle look pragmatic in comparison…

Be careful of women with French accents, Nick. Believe me when I say this, they don’t all meet the expectation - but some do! :wink:

Those who hate the French/France are actually living in the Arabian/Negro areas of your modern French cities.

I quite like the notion of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity. However, I haven’t come accross it, as yet.

Je ne déteste pas les Français en soi, mais il en existe quelques traits culturels que je trouve odieux : la vanité du gaullisme, l’opinion que la culture française est la plus supérieure du monde, l’opinion que la langue française est la plus belle du monde (et donc on refuse de parler en anglais) , l’opinion que la France reste toujours un grand pouvoir sur la scène mondiale, etc. .

Mais je reconnais que ces traits soient principalement des stéréotypes, et que la plupart des Français soient plus ou moins pareils que nous, partageant plus ou moins les mêmes perspectives sur la vie.

C’est une réponse suffisante?

Either you’ve got a buckshee French keyboard or you spent far too much time on that response!

I understood about 70-80% of his response. Dont know how it will be received in French. Dont forget that a approx 40% of the English lang is derived from french words. 1066 and the wars brought England and France alot closer. Not to mention the events that happened in the colonies. For a long time …American/English languages were very adoptive.

Even better than that: it was generated using French voice recognition! It just about copes with my English accent…

It does take me a lot longer than it would have in English though…

Oh yes, people in “ghetto” hate Frenchs but they are French.

“la vanité du gaullisme”. De Gaulle made a lot of thing. French are pround of his action during WW2 (perhaps French/German aren’t, but it doesn’t matter). He made a lot of great thing like the health care system, the vote for woman … But after 1968, he didn’t change his value and he was more contested.

IMO, he save France and it’s because of him that i speak “la plus belle langue du monde”. . English courses are very bad and it’s impossible to learn to speak because we learn only grammar and vocabulary. We are always scared about the idea to make a grammar mistake. (yes, i have never learn my lesson and my grammar is a disaster).

L’opinion de la France stay important: we are member of the UN SC. We are with Germany leader of the European Union. We have link with former colonies in Africa and in Middle-est.

La culture Française. I don’t know.

France is a large place, compared with England, and there are many people.

Hate is a strong emotion and it usually triggered as a result of some form of traumatic experience.
Those that hate easily are either not in control of their emotions, do not understand what hate is, or are somewhat feeble minded and, therefore, easily led by others to hate.

Don’t you see a contradiction in the statement “people in “ghetto” hate Frenchs but they are French”?

I doubt an Arab from “ghetto” consider himself a Frenchman.

They are French! Your comments are in the realm of ‘Race’ issues, not ‘Nationality’ issues.
A government can legislate on matters of nationality, but race legislation has its limitations.

In my opinion, the French ought to be applauded for their Nationality policies regarding their colonies/former colonies.