Who is "Procyon?"


A new admin?

Hello there,

I’m the new owner of the website. Sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Emmanuel Eichler. I’m 26 currently living in Toronto, Canada. My background is German/French though not really Canadian. I bought this website as an investment from Nick. Why this website and not another one? I’ve always enjoyed WW2, especially good movies. Even though I learned WW2 history for 3 years in Germany in high school, I can say (I’m pretty sure!) that I probably have the least historical WW2 knowledge of this forum.

Nick will still be around and do updates. I will be the technical contact mostly.

Well Procyon, welcome aboard and congratulations on your acquisition of this site. I hope you do realize that I can confidently speak for the staff, and the hardcore, regular posters at this site, that this all is a bit of a shock and completely unforeseen. I totally understand, being on staff at messageboards for three years now, and around them for five, that this thing is not uncommon. But I have to say that I am a bit disappointed that there was no formal announcement, nor even informal notification, that the site would change hands. I hope you can appreciate that this site has great meaning to those of us that have a passion for World War II, and for history in general. But I think we look forward to a new era, and hope that communication is a bit more forthcoming since those of us here donate a considerable amount of time to this site to insure that it runs efficiently and intelligently, making it all worthwhile…

Yes, my bad! Optimizing the server and transferring the website kept me quite busy. It had some issues when I added this website. I will most likely post something tomorrow or maybe Nick already planned doing this.

In case the server is down please send an email to emmanuel1982@hotmail.com (or add me on msn). Please do not share this email address with users of the site.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

Hi emmanuel and welcome to your new site.

I guess we all have questions, let me start with this:

  1. What are your plans for the site.

  2. What are your plans for the Forums?

Other than that, welcome aboard Captain!

Welcome Emmanuel,

I too, am interested in your plans for this site.

All the best,


Actually I think Nick currently has more plans for this site than I do. I still have to get to know it. I was thinking of adding a video section. That would be something this website would benefit from. What would you guys like to see?

Indeed, I do! Something about global extortion and world domination. Who’s game?

So, um, what are your plans to deal with the spamming of your “investment?”

E-mail sent…

Sorry guys. I didn’t realize I wasn’t subscribed to this thread. I emailed nickdfresh back yesterday. Looking at the problem as we speak. A server upgrade will be done as well as I agree it is too slow.