Who is this ? - German Leadership | Gallery

Who is this ?

Can someone please tell me who is the person standing in between Hitler and Himmler ? Thank you.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-leadership/47610/who-is-this

The first person from the right seem Julius Streicher. The second from the right is Rudolf Hess (Walter Richard Rudolf Heß). Best regards, Victor Sierra

Funny I should have mentioned him earlier. Viktor Lutze, who succeeded Ernst Rohm as SA Leader following the latter’s liquidation. I cannot identify the precise occasion, but the particular lineup - Himmler, Lutze, Hitler, Hess and Streicher - suggests a Reich Party Rally at Nurnburg, probably mid to late 1930s. In the second row, between Hitler and Hess, stands Wilhelm Bruckner, SA-Obergruppenfuhrer and Hitler’s Adjutant-in-Chief at this time; between Hess and Streicher, in the second row, head partly obscured by that of Hess, is SS-Gruppenfuhrer (later Obergruppenfuhrer) Julius Schaub, Hitler’s Personal Adjutant, who succeeded Bruckner as Adjutant-in-Chief in 1940. Best regards, JR.