Who is this?

I’ve recently acquired a photograph from ebay. It was suggested that the character is Lord Tedder, but it clearly isn’t. Any ideas who this is? Apologies for the photo being on its side. My computer literacy is still imperfect.

Unfortunately Crab, I can’t tell you who that man is. My guess is as good as the next… but I rotated his picture so it is not right side up.

Hope it helps to some extend :smiley:

Not sure who it is at the moment, but is that not an RN uniform?

Definately an RN uniform (check the full size version - there’s an anchor on the cap ;)). Is it me or does the guy in it look rather like Phil the Greek?

Definately an RN uniform (check the full size version - there’s an anchor on the cap ;)). Is it me or does the guy in it look rather like Phil the Greek?[/quote]

Does a bit doesn’t it? A bit old though perhaps for a WWII DoE, could it be Mountbatten?

Who the hell is Phil the Greek?

Phil the Greek is the nickname (stupid people use it to be insulting, clever people know it’s ironic) of His Royal Highness the Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Not HRH, as Philip looks a lot younger in any photo’s of him in RN uniform - his head is the wrong shape as well.
Looks very much like other photo’s of Mountbatten to me.

Thanks-never heard of that before.

Thanks-never heard of that before.[/quote]

Neither have I :? Thanks for the explanation :slight_smile:

I would go with Lord Loius von Battenburgh as well.

Thanks for the pointers. I think the consensus is Louis Mountbatten. There is a strong resemblance between the picture on wiki and my photo.

Yep, I think that about settles it Dani.

There is a distinct familial resemblance between Mountbatten and the old Duke, though, isn’t there?

LOL, I wonder why. Maybe its the same reason that in 1913 half the Monarchs of Europe look strangely alike.

Maybe Dani can find some comparison pics of King George, the Kaiser and the Czar?

Im sure much of the lesser Royals around Europe came from the same stock, Phil wasnt originally Greek though, was he?


Check their children, nephews and so on…


No he was German, hence why the Queen Mum, called him that ‘German junker’

No he was German, hence why the Queen Mum, called him that ‘German junker’[/quote]

Sort of…

Battenberg , German princely family, issued from the morganatic union of Alexander, a younger son of Louis II, grand duke of Hesse-Darmstadt, and Countess Julia von Hauke, who was created (1858) princess of Battenberg. Their oldest son, Louis (1854–1921), an admiral in the British navy, married a granddaughter of Queen Victoria. During World War I he renounced (1917) his German title and anglicized his name as Mountbatten, whereupon he was created marquess of Milford Haven. His daughter Louise married Gustavus VI, king of Sweden. Another daughter, Alice, married Prince Andrew of Greece, third son of King George I of Greece; their son Philip was created duke of Edinburgh and married (1947) Princess Elizabeth of England (later Queen Elizabeth II). Louis Mountbatten was the son of the 1st marquess of Milford Haven. The second son of Prince Alexander of Hesse-Darmstadt was (1879–86) prince of Bulgaria (see Alexander). A third son, Henry, married Beatrice, daughter of Queen Victoria of England; their daughter, Victoria, married Alfonso XIII of Spain

…AS for the Kaiser:
He was born in Berlin to Crown Prince Friedrich and his wife, Victoria, Princess Royal of Britain. His mother was the aunt of Empress Alexandra (wife of Tsar Nicholas II), and sister of King Edward VII.

Lets compare them in photos:

Czar Nick

Kaiser Bill

King Geordie

Sorry about my bifidia with the multi edits, its been a while since I added images.

WW1, a family squabble that went a wee bit far…