Who realy won WW2?

I have to say Stalin and Francisco because they were the dictatorships that lasted long after the war. Soviet Union would be a world power for the next 60 years until its downfall plus it created new nations throughout the globe and with only the US and the weak UN to stop it. Facist Spain played both sides and would be Facist until Francisco death in 1975. Sure the Allies won but the Western Allies only added another dictatorship in Germany.













I’m sure you mean Franco, not Francisco.

He probably means Generalissimo Francisco Franco … who is still critically dead.

They might have been friendly with the Germans and contributed a division of “Volunteers” to Barbarossa, but they never actually declared war on the Allies. Hitler tried to persuade him (offering Gibraltar), but threats from Churchill to grab the Canaries and use Bomber Command against various Spanish cities seem to have persuaded him the price was too high. Once the tide of the war started to turn Hitler didn’t have a chance.

The Spanish were also playing one side off against the other. They were naturally aligned with the Axis, but only at an arms length…

The Allies did in fact consider invading Spain, not too liberate her, but as a means to avoid bloody fighting in a French landing…

That what Im saying!

The USSR was a loser of WWII as it failed to conquer Europe leaving most of it to the US sphere of influence and ceased to exist in less than half a century. Spain did not participate in WWII and could not win or lose.
The real winner is the US with its political and economic project for the of the world

i think stallin and churchili and a eisenhower

i think it was england…they where the under dogs against germany and they hold them off…and i think hitler wan the war 4 the allies 4 starting 2 fronts…
is there other females on this.

the only reason usa became in power cause they pinched germanys technolgy
the rockets were invented in germany…god please dont bless america…usa pinches every countries technolgy

If so, how come Germany lost to America before they had the chance to run Operation Paperclip and get their hands on German WW2 technology?

Nope, they were invented in China approximately 1,000 years before Germany became a nation as opposed to a collection of tribes speaking a common language.

This is a WW2 forum, not a church. Oh, and God (being omnipotent by definition) deserves a capital letter - He’ll probably strike you down for that!

So does everyone else. The entire patents system is specifically designed to force publication of new ideas to ensure their spread. The human race has always benefited as a whole when ideas are shared, and technolgy is a very good example of this.
Incidentally, the US doesn’t steal technology. It buys it - and there are plenty of willing sellers - and then makes more money from it through superior application than the original inventors ever would have.

BTW, the US unequivocally invented the internet. You know, the thing so many decry it for stealing others’ stuff on?

im guessin ur a yank… and ist usa in iraq tryin 2 pinch there OIL. why should america rule the world
and america and russia march in 2 germany and took there rockets didt the usa hav faith in there own technolgy…no they new it was better than there own …and usa cant hack another country havin better technolghy.

if china had ROCKETS years ago…where was it be4 WW1 AND WW2

A better question would be: Which war WEREN’T rockets in?

A quick Google search will help you…

oh so ur sayin german did hav rockets now in ww1

I just don’t understand why people think we invaded Iraq for their oil:roll:. Where’s all this free oil we’re supposedly getting? Our fuel prices are the highest they have ever been. That perspective is getting kind of old.

I’m not, and throwing my stated location into google should have told you that in about two seconds. I’m guessing you are a moron. Am I right?

Why not? It gives the rest of us a good laugh!

Yes, and? Nobody but a willy-waving nationalist without two brain cells to rub together would think that living in the stone age through an unwillingness to make use of technology someone else had invented was a good thing.

Where was China? In the region of 35°N 105°E, approximately where it always has been.

The French and British certainly did (see image below).

Hahaha, I wouldn’t have thought of that.

The reason China had rockets was because they experimented with fireworks. All the rockets they had back 1000 or so years were fuelled by gunpowder, hence, they didn’t go very far, nor hit very hard.

some people lie about where they come from…so u cant relie on that