Who should be new mods?

I got dragooned into being a mod becaue I felt that I’d had enough participation in the forum to require me to give something back. It was all Firefly’s fault.

I may be getting to a point where, depending upon various things in my personal life most of which are all up in the air at the moment to do with building a new house, I might have to reduce my participation.

This will happen to other mods for various reasons, not least pdf27 when he is overwhelmed by the joys of marriage! :wink: :smiley:

I suggest that we start a list of mods to take over if the current mods drop off.

Tankgeezer is a candidate, as long as he is on the site more often than his posts suggest he is.

More to the point, George Eller has vanished of late so we’re one down. It works for now, but we could probably do with getting a spare up and running in advance…

p.s. I’d love to have Librarian as a mod, but I suspect he’d turn it down…

First of all I’d hate to see someone of the current staff step down.
Librarian would probably turn down the offer since he seems to be a busy guy in real life. Still I’d love to see him give an infraction to a spammer with a comment that could pass as a doctoral thesis.
Tankgeezer would be an option, Egorka disclaimed before IIRC. Maybe Schuultz could be an alternative, although he’s quite young (20?) and furthermore I don’t know if the board could bear two Krauts…

Schuultz would be a good candidate, but he’s dropped off quite a bit in posting. Tankgeezer could be another one, but he doesn’t really post all that much.

Personally, I think RS*, or any mod, is fine to stay on staff as long as they let us know they’re busy and unable to keep up. I’ve taken a new job and I cannot post as often and basically have, sadly, given up going through the “pictures” end of the site. I enjoyed reading the captions of the subset of poster there–such as Ardee and Rudeerude–that limit their focus to the pictures’ sections and will only participate in the forums on rare occasion. I also think Liberian would probably turn it down, but I guess one never knows unless one asks.

The truth is that the traffic on this site really doesn’t require all that much in the way of modding, and I think we might be just fine with what we have. On that note, George Eller seems like he’s gone and is no longer actively participating, and as much as I like George and find his knowledge on all things tank to be intriguing, I think we should consider demodding him and giving that position to someone else, and keeping RS* on staff for the time being.

He’s part Canadian IIRC. A Canadian-Kraut might be too much. :smiley:

Schuultz is fine with me.

I don’t see his age as a problem.

He’s more mature than me. :wink: :smiley:

As regards age, minimum age before it becomes a personality thing rather than an age thing seems to be about 15 or so - anyone under that age just can’t cut it, above that maturity seems to vary surprisingly little with age.

Nah, he’s just studying in Halifax. The Nova Scotia region seems to attract a lot of Germans. Parts of my folks made a fortune there as well by selling German bakery products to the white-bread-degenerated Canucks.:smiley:

I think Schuultz would make a fine mod. His age is no problem at all, in fact I was surprised when he told me he was still in university.

And Flammenwerfer, I do miss the local German butcher that sold authentic German sausage as well as other bake-goods and foodstuffs. He retired, and now we just have supermarkets selling degenerate, mediocre stuff… :frowning:

We attracted a lot of Germans at one point, after all, I live in Hamburg. :slight_smile:

Sounds about right. Although in light of your comment I now rather pride myself on not having advanced much since I was the ripe old age of 17.

Seriously, we get older and get a lot of experience which gives us knowledge and opinions that make us unrecognisable to the young, but a lot of the basic things don’t change much from the mid to late teens.

Firefly, whaddya reckon about the mod proposals?

Should we ask Schuultz and or tankgeezer if they’re interested?

Should we take up pdf27’s suggestion about appointing one now to replace George Eller? It’d allow time to move into the role in case I or someone else drops down or off.

Ain’t that strange? Myself I start drooling by the thought of Sbarro Pizza, garlic knots and all of the NYC Deli stuff I had…

Meh, I’ve had so much NYC style pizza here, that I’m spoiled and would about Sbarro in favor of a local mom-&-pop pizza and sub(marine sandwich) place…

As far as mod candidates, there are several good posters that almost exclusively post in the photos sections. Among them, JR and Ardee are very composed and knowledgeable…

Yes, they are. However, JR is a lawyer IIRC and you know about these blokes…:wink:

First off I’d like to apologize for not being so prominent in the last year, it has seen me on the forum a lot less than Id like to have been. I log in about once week to check the Mod forum mainly.

As to new mods, then I go with the flow here as I don’t feel I know any of the newer posters all that well.

I also agree that this site doesn’t really have the traffic to warrant a huge amount of Mods here, I also think that you guys who are the regular Mods do one of the best jobs on any site I post too.

You have kept us relatively nutter free over the years and for that I thnk you all. As ever I will support whatever reasonable decision you collectively come too.

In my opinion he would be a very sound choice. You never know until you ask?

How about we all see if there is any consensus on the next mod or two.

Tankgeezer, Schuultz and Ardee all work for me, if they’re going to be on enough.

Amrit could be good but I don’t know if he’s on enough. I think he might mod another forum so he could have prior experience.

Librarian doesn’t seem to be on anywhere near enough.

I don’t know anything about JR, but if he’s a lawyer he’s bound to be outstanding in everything he does. :wink: :mrgreen:

JR posts quite a bit in the pic section, but he doesn’t seem as interested in the thread topics for some reason…

Could be a good thing to have a mod over there.