Who still remembers???

I love modern WW2-games like the MoH-series, CoD-series, Battlefield 1942 and even older stuff like Sudden Strike. But you young folks are spoiled! Who of the 30+ people (meaning the age of course) remember the good old games of the 80’s that made us play all night and made us fall asleep during lesson the next day?
Here some of my faves from my youth:

Castle Wolfenstein aka Wolfenstein 2D

I still hear the scary early speech modus: “Achtung, SS!”

Ace of Aces

Desert Fox

Please complete, more to come…

Well, these ones I do not remember and never seen them.
I got a Comodor64 like computer in the end of 80s. It was called ZX Spectrum. 16kb memory. And inbilt “Basic” interpreter: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_BASIC
Similar to this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZX_Spectrum

I remember that the games were available for that too. But what kind of games!? The display was alpha-numerical and if the game was called “Space Canon” it ment a zero sighn was a shell which was suppose to hit an asteroid - a # sign. Cool struff!!! :slight_smile:
Above all it ment that I would have to type in 30 - 50 lines of Basic code to start playing - there was not any permanent memory available.
Later I used taperecorder for that. But it wasa pain in my tiny ass.
Those were good times! :slight_smile:

does anyone know wr hustells ww2 in western europe

Oh my god what a …awful graphic.
Thank to god, my eyes have never seen this nightmare:)
I was getting starting to dip in WW2 Computer Game Universe in 2001 from “Return to the castle Wolfenstain”.

Than was following the brilliant Moh and fantastical Cod series.

Chevan, “Return to Castle Wolfenstein” is brilliant. I went to the Netherlands to buy the uncensored version back then, but believe me, we have been very pleased with this first version, not knowing any better in 1981.
Let’s not forget what lies in between, the good old “Wolfenstein 3D”!!!

Yea i heard it was great game.But when i’ve got my first computer the Doom engine wasn’t actual already.

Ohhh… that is a classic!
I remember the first day I playied it. I spent several hours and went to bed past midnight very-very tired.
But I could not sleep! Every time I closed my eye I would start running as mad in those corridors… :slight_smile:

Yeah, I remeber that too but it’s the same with every game if I over-do it, they haunt me in my dreams…

I remember the old “Wolfenstein 3D”, but never played it through to the end. Strangely enough, I did manage to play “Return to Castle Wolfenstein” all the way through by saving frequently. Heinrich was quite a challenge at the end (not to mention the earlier uber-soldats and SS she-devils “Elite Guard”). Quite fun :slight_smile:

I can only imagine what the uncensored version must be like.

“Censoring” in Germany first of all means removing all swastikas and ss-runes etc in the game. Not that bad, but it hurts the authenticity and I don’t like censorship in the first place. Actually the game was blacklisted shortly after its release in Germany like most first-person-shooters where you kill human targets…

“Censoring” in Germany first of all means removing all swastikas and ss-runes etc in the game. Not that bad, but it hurts the authenticity and I don’t like censorship in the first place. Actually the game was blacklisted shortly after its release in Germany like most first-person-shooters where you kill human targets…[/QUOTE]

I see. Well, I guess that I’ve played the uncensored version then.

I had imagined that “uncensored” meant something along the lines of “Nude Raider”…


I can still hear in my ears:
Eine kleine amerikaner!!!


I was always wary when opening doors for that German Shepherd guard dog to leap out of nowhere and start biting the crap out of me. The barking, the sound of dog feet running fast, the snarls … beware of guard dog. :smiley:

All games of the series were atmospheric, even with crappy graphics.
Not to forget, the excellent sequel to Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny

Ah Wolfenstein 3D, me and my brother used to play it all the time when I was young

Greatest part was the end boss saying “Guten Tag” when opening the door :smiley: