Who would win U.S.S.R. or America

I thought this would be a question to ask you viewers. When Russia won Stalingrad the russians recieved weapons and anti armor from the Americans. But in Berlin they both conquered it together. Some say Germany lost against the Soviet Union because of the temperatures and the German
Army could not handle it very well. Because some of the diseases that the Germans were getting. Some other people say that the Soviet Union fight as bravely as any army could never have. So post your comments, so I can see what you think.

With no help? That would mean the U.S.A could not attack the Germans because they would need British soil to launch attacks from. Britain would have very few military resources as most of these came from the U.S.A and Canada. That leaves Poland and Russia. Poland would have no chance due to it’s smaller and less well trained armed forces. That leaves Russia, which would have a chance due to the huge ammount of resources and man power available to her, but I still think if it came down to just Russia and Germany, Germany would win.

So I’d go for Soviet Union in the poll.

I read in one of the forums this statement (I like a lot the irony in it):

USSR + Winter = Winner
USSR - Winter = Looser
Britain + Channel = Winner
Britain - Channel = Looser

One can not use wheather and geography as the main reason for defeat. Firstly, because it affects everyone and all the equipment. Secondly, it is something, that is there always, and can, at best, show that the enemy was not prepared or was “studid”.

Do not get me wrong, both weather and geography are very impostant but can not be the main reason for wictory/defeat.

I go for USSR. Not only because I am russian, but aslo because the only real contender, USA, is too far. They could have beaten Germans alne but it probably would be latter. It is all very speculative.

Brst regards

I’m support Egorka.
In the European continent could be just one winner - USSR.
But German were so close to the victory in 1941-42. Just God saved us in WW2 IMHO.

Originally this was my quote.
I do agree with the above posts.
My new equation would go like this:

USSR + Winter + Location = Winner

So in 1939

Well Poland is right out for obvious reasons!

The US would win any prolonged naval battle against the Germans. However the US being able to land in Europe with no allies would be unlikely. A US Germany war with no allies on either side would be pointless.

The UK vs Germany would be pretty pointless as well. The Germans would have to take France to have any chance what so ever to invade England. I dont think the UK could hold on forever with out the support of other nations. Next they would have to win air supremacy at some point. If this was achieved then I think this would eventually allow for a German invasion. Dont think the UK would be able to flip the tables and invade Germany.

So this leaves the USSR. If the Germans keep the polictal situation the same as was at the start of Operation Barbarossa then its possible. I only think if Germany really tried to apease the American’s. Keep them out of the war and try to do everything to keep shipping down. Dont know how they would do that. Maybe backing out of the alliance with Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. If that were to happen then the Germans have a chance.

On the otherhand the USSR is the only country on the continent that really has a chance to defeat the Germans. I think there best chance would to be a premptive attack on the Germans. Anyway you look at it I think it would be a long bloody struggle for the Russians.

So therefore if you mull over the what ifs and partial what “happeneds” :slight_smile: the USSR is the only logical choice in this poll. One might argue that the Americans crawled all the way to Japan and were prepared to invade. So maybe this could happen the other way. I dont think so. Would take alot of manpower from the US and alot of blunders by the Germans.

My vote goes to the USSR.

Totally agree with this statement.

Some good points General. Very interesting.

Almost forgot; welcome to you GermanSoldier. Great to have you on board.

Just to advise that this topic will be moved soon to WW2 general discution.

Sure and we all know without power US Lend-lise support, Britain ( Which absorbed 65% of all lend- lise supplies) simply couldn’t continie the war after 1941.

On the otherhand the USSR is the only country on the continent that really has a chance to defeat the Germans. I think there best chance would to be a premptive attack on the Germans. Anyway you look at it I think it would be a long bloody struggle for the Russians.

Absolutly right Gen.
Just one notice - not only Germans. In 1941 Germany controlled practically all continental Europe with 35% of world industry( and war) power. So this could be not GermanyVsUSSR battle but rather Union Europe against USSR.
Thanks for the good detailed post mate.

Good point Chevan.

Thanks mate :smiley:

Germany was not close to being mobilized for war in 1941-42. It seems rediculous that armaments production was so low in this period given that they were not being bombed as much as later in the war and they still held considerable territory.

This was not the greatest thread after Gen.Sandworm’s reply the thread did not make any sense. So sorry for the thread.