WHO's the next World Power???

There has been rumours that theres a contest between China and India!! to compete in becoming the next dominant World Power!
I could believe China could be a threat to u.s.a losing their place of being the world police but when i heard India, i thought it was proposterous, but even with indias poverty it is quite a populized country and powerful, they are just being secret about it while the whole world can see that China is expanding rapidly.

Well everyone knows it would have to be:

Yorkshire :lol:

although the Chinese could come a close second :wink:

United Europe :lol: :lol: :lol:

never happen as long as the French are here :wink:

never happen as long as the French are here :wink:[/quote]

LOL :lol: , but the USA will remain the world power, India is more of a 3rd World Country, and China, well they have a serious overpopulation problem. SO USA WOO HOO!! :smiley: Btw we have the most mobile and best trained Army, Airforce and Marine Corps in the World. Our Navy is only second to Britan but thats because they are an island so they better have a good navy!! :smiley:

never happen as long as the French are here :wink:[/quote]
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Is China really an “empire”?

I’m not saying yes or no, I see arguments for each. I’m just raising that question because I saw that question being debated in a Chinese history forum only a few months ago.

where is Russia?
where is canada?
where is Iraq? :wink:

K Russia will probably be around again but for now they are just taking break.

CANADA ???..well i love our neighbors to the north but I dont really see Canada as a superpower.

Iraq…uh…I think they have enough going on at the moment. Isnt there somekind of requirement for being a superpower that involves having towns and cities composed of somewhat complete houses? Notice i said “somewhat complete” coz lord knows that there are parts of Iraq that look ten times better than some places in the US. And we havent had a war here since 1812. :?

K Russia will probably be around again but for now they are just taking break.

CANADA ???..well i love our neighbors to the north but I dont really see Canada as a superpower.

Iraq…uh…I think they have enough going on at the moment. Isnt there somekind of requirement for being a superpower that involves having towns and cities composed of somewhat complete houses? Notice i said “somewhat complete” coz lord knows that there are parts of Iraq that look ten times better than some places in the US. And we havent had a war here since 1812. :?[/quote]
i thought its obvious that it is a joke, i guess its not then :?

Hey! have you been forgetting South Africa? With our good alliance with our lovely friends Fidel Castro of Cuba, and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe we can…er can… can… ill come back to you.

Yea you keep working on that. In the mean time … im up to no good. :smiley:

For me it will be China. There is a truly worrying situation developing right now.

The Chinese are expanding at a huge rate. Look at absolutely anythin you have bought in the last 3 years and it will nearly always say - made or assembled in China.

To drive this China needs fuel. Mainly oil, and they get that from the same places we do. This has been pushing the price of oil up more than any war in Iraq.

The Chinese have a massive trade credit with the US and the Chinese government has been buying US Bonds with that credit, so much so that they now own a substantial amount (memory fails me, but it may be as much as 1/4). This is a huge sum and as the US is already in debt, the cashing in of those Bonds could do as much, if not more damage than the Crash back in the 30’s.

So you dont have to have Armed Forces to be a power in todays world.

True, but in the case of China, they have that too! :slight_smile:

The romans had their time, the Russians had their time, The british had their time… of of being the World Power for a Certain period of Time, BUT, it doesn’t last forever, U.S.A will eventually collapse or be overthrown by another country which IS inevitable…its just a matter of time.

I would love to see the look on the Americans faces when their country loses power and the world turns their attention to another country.

But while im living GOD BLESS AUSTRALIA.

WHO’s the next world power?

I knew that the World Health Organisation was powerful & influential, but I never saw them as a major world power :wink:

Clever bugger !

I wouldn’t. For all their faults, the Americans are much better for the world in general than any alternative hegemon would be.
Oh, and of the two choices in the poll I sincerely hope it will be India. They’ve got a hell of a lot of problems but for all that they are a parliamentary democracy who govern on behalf of the people. China doesn’t count as either, yet they are trying to introduce economic freedoms. That to me is a recipe for internal unrest, which could really put a lid on the current Chinese boom.

While I do agree with what you say…you really dont have to be a dick about it. I didnt laugh my ass off when your country went to shit. And oh yea I guess its still there. :wink: