Why I love beer

Yeah, I’ve been on youtube tonight, and beer, so what do you expect? :smiley:


So, RS*, which one of them was you? (-:

I bet the policeman in the last couldn’t stop laughing.:mrgreen:

Without Beer, the world would stop turning.Long live Beer!

That was hilarious! Couldn’t stop laughing!

Cool, just moved up to pfc.

hey herman, those people were wishing the world wasn’t turning! LOL

Ya, sometimes the members in this site should drink a beer and take a pill to relax cause they get so wound up over petty things in one’s opinion(which we value in a democracy)

" beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"
Benjamin Franklin

still holds true today, miller genuine draft, anyone?

One of the best beers I have ever tasted, which I believe you can get only in Canada, is Hahn Premium. Once you go Hahn, you never go back!yum yum!!

I like miller genuine draft among others. I like imports also. Heck, I like them all! Maybe our german friends can tell us of some stronger beers, but one Spaten Optimator can put me sitting on my butt. (shows you how much I actually consume maybe?) I like to drink for taste, not to get sloshed. I also like Konig Ludwig Weissbier, very good wheat beer. Mmmmmm beer…

Thanks to this threat I learned that merican beer isn’t only loaded with chemical components but also mild, lol. Beer with more than 4,5% alcohol is called “malt liquor” !?! German (not bavarian) beer has 4,5-6%.
Actually the strongest beer in the world is american Barley Johns Rosies Ale with 28% alcohol.
For good strong beers the belgian tappiste beers (abbey) are highly recommendable.

Flame, the only belgian beer i have tried is the chimay brand. They have like three types and were good. Stores are getting more imports than they used to, so will have to look for some more. thanks! Haven’t heard of that particular brand of american beer 28% alcohol? sheesh! I’ll have to look for that also. May just have to have 1/2 glass of that. :slight_smile:

when i used to go to the strip clubs in canada( in my younger days) i drank Moosehead, that was a good beer, strong too,but made me bloated like Budweiser does. im not the drinker i used to be ( out of practice, mostly ) but i still hold my own on occasion, manage to stay above the table

Now trust me I in no way support underage drinking but i personally love me Sam Adams

This is something I 'll never get into my mind about the States: buying/drinking beer by the age of 21…what a terrible youth you guys must have suffered!:neutral:

Thank you my friend years ago it was 18 but the asses on capital hill changed it to 21

So you can go to Iraq at 18, get a leg blown off for your country, spend mths in intensive care in pain, fly home, go to a bar for a weak American beer and get told you can’t have a beer cause your not 21???

…drinking in public is prohibited as well if I remember correctly. When I had been to NYC I bought an ice-cold can of Budweiser and walked the streets with the can hidden in this common brown paper bags. Ha, that was classic!!!

I know herm its B.S