Why I'm not banning spammers

It seems to me that despite FTG’s relentless extermination of spammers, supported by my earlier lesser efforts, as soon as they appear, we might be applying rather more effort at that end than to removing the few posts which some of them will make.

I’m wondering whether many spammers are paid or whatever just for registering, because if the ratio of recent registrations to posts in the past is any guide then most of them won’t post and we’d be better off just dealing with those who post.

Which I think is what pdf27 more or less said at some earlier stage, but he’d only had six months or a year or so of being a mod then, so what would he know? :wink: :oops:

Right now I’m limiting myself to exterminate spammers who show up in the Members List, only then a working ban is guaranteed - at least with my limited powers.
These limited powers also prevent me from deleting the spam-posts completely - still I can only “soft-delete” (I wrote GS about it but he hasn’t shown up since February I think).
So after all the work of complete deletion would have been done by the senior mods…which should include pdf27.:smiley: