Why is sex so bad?

As I sit here listening to Professor Hans Kung, President of the Global Ethic Foundation, giving a lecture which, in my opinon, is mis-titled, ‘Islam - Challenges and Hopes’, I wonder why there is so much emphasis within the philosophies of Christianity, Islam and Judaism for celibacy? Sex is such an important function to human beings - we don’t have a season - why deny it? Surely, sex is a part of what makes us complete as human beings and by denying it, we are denying that which makes us human, and there is no evidence - that I’m aware of - that abstinence makes us better or holier people.

The reason I think the lecture mis-titled, by the way, is that he gives equal time to the three major monotheist religions of the Near East and the West, as mentioned above - but that’s a minor point. I can see why it has been given the title, but there could easily have been a better one.

Those who would have people believe such things just want to keep it all for themselves.

“…celibacy is the most unusual of all perversions.” Oscar Wilde

Find myself in agreement with two of you. :slight_smile:

Some say, That religion began in purity, and perfection, but once humanity got mixed in it went south in a hurry. Then religion was seen by those who ran it as a good way to control people, even Royalty who came to fear the Pope’s and Cardinal’s pointed finger of damnation. (much as the missus does when you come home late from the groggery) Some also say, that elementally its all about energy, and that the control of this creative energy which included the energy produced while getting one’s Barry White on would empower those who usurped it,as though it were their own. So in order to insinuate this control, religion was put to the work of controlling money, (one form of energy,) Sex, and free thought, and free will. (other forms of energy.) This of course unless one had great sums in reserve, and would exchange some of it in return for indulgences.
I find all ist’s, and ism’s to be suspect, and remain well away from their fearmongering, and drama.

Religions confuse arbitrarily prohibiting something, such as eating meat on Fridays or marrying someone from a different religion, with it being instrinsically bad.

There’s nothing intrinsically bad about ****ing. Unless, for example, you happen to be a priest ****ing an altar boy or a bishop, archbishop, cardinal or pope covering it up, which apparently qualifies them as moral arbiters and God’s mouthpieces to tell me that I shouldn’t enjoy a bit of humpy pumpy with another consenting adult for purposes other than making a baby (which, as far as I’m aware from my primitive grasp of biology, is not likely to be the result of a priest, Christian Brother, Protestant vicars or choirmasters, and people in leadership positions in sundry other religions ****ing boys and pre-pubescent girls, which seems to turn a lot of them on).

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone, which pretty much rules out anyone running a religious corporation.

P.S. I had sex once. It wasn’t bad. :mrgreen:

The most part of the members that posted something in this thread would be perfect subjects of Silvio II, Italian Kingdom’s Emperor… Infact, he’s passing a law against marital fidelity and monogamy… :wink: :slight_smile:

You’re married. We know you only had sex once :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

To quote one particular sex expert “When I’m good, I’m very, very good, but when I’m bad I’m better!”

Yeah, and that’d be before I got married. :wink: :smiley:

As someone once observed, men get married to have sex and women have sex to get married.

Q: What food puts women off sex?

A: Wedding cake!

Thats why all Brides smile on their wedding day…

Back to Bravo’s original question, why is it that a certain type of person has to put everything that is healthily natural and fun off limits, instead valuing self-denial, asceticism, and self-loathing of one’s natural impulses to no good personal or social benefit?

Why is it that these people value unnecessary self-imposed suffering more than the joy of life?

The ultimate,and in my view obscene, expression of this attitude is this sort of thing, not that it’s limited to the two main, by number of adherents, religions on this planet:

The political expression is every repressive religious regime anyone cares to name.


Even more amazing, these ain’t good 'ol boys.

I would suggest that, in Western society, their is something intrisically bad about hiding one’s face for political/religious ends - unless you’re Batman or the like - and the power of intimidation it can produce is equal to the cowardice of the wearer. Presumably, these are some form of inquisitors?

That’s certainly the position the French government has taken recently about the burqa etc.

But England passed laws against going masked or with face blackened in 1723 (the Waltham Black Acts) although those laws were aimed more at poachers than masks per se.

The more things change …

Maybe, but in many cases of ‘official’ or ‘government sponsored’ interrogation I suspect the wearer is just doing it as a calculated and very effective psychological tactic to overwhelm his or her victim.

Well, they are Spanish, although one wouldn’t expect an inquisition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tym0MObFpTI

I prefer to think that they’re just people who get a rush of blood to the head around Easter and get their jollies by wearing very tall traffic cones on their heads.

More here, and in the sources for the images. http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&q=nazarenos&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1135&bih=650

The “Spanish” Inquisition was actually part of the much larger perversion at the direction of the Pope. Most people don’t realize that the Catholic Church didn’t officially resend the Inquisition until well into the 20th century.

What evil good can be. Hugo’s LES MISERABLES

I would dispute that little oxymoron, but ccan appreciate the poetic style.

Seriously chaps, apart from perhaps being the casper the friendly ghost fan club, who are these people?