Why it is not RPG?

Why it is not RPG? After it hits remains only a small hole - diameter about several cm. Then the gases get inside. But I am not absolutely shure that RPG can break the armor of M1A1.

Replied under “What hit this tank???” Topic

how about an anti tank gun? The germans made a rifle gun to destroy tanks in WW2, cant a small bullet pierce throught it?

Anti-tank guns, those was made in German:
PbZ-39 (7.92 mm, velocity 1275 m/s, can be effective against about 20-30mm of armor, MSS-41, equal by caliber and affect with PbZ -39, 400 m of effective range). Useless.
Russian ATG:
PTRD, 14.5 mm, vel. 1012 m/s, bolt action, one shoot, eff. for 35-40 mm armor, 1500 m effective range
PTRS, 14.5 mm, vel 1012 m/s, semiauto gas operated, 5 loads, eff. for 35-40 mm armor, 1500 m effective range
Brittish ATG: Boyse (i can be wrong with name) Mk1, 13.9 mm, vel. 980 m/s, bolt action, 5 loads, eff. for 21 mm of armor, 100 m effective range. Was used during WWII by Brittish and Soviet Armys (about 1000 Boyse Mk1 was sent in USSR by Lend-Lise)

By the way, soldier, who will shoot from PTRD or PTRS got great risk for broke his shopulder’s bones by pretty damn powerful recouil, most lucky people has broked his jaw after shoot. Gas operated mechanism of PTRS also sometimes can cut out shoter’s fingers on left arm by bolt handle, because this gun needed to be pressed down by non-firing arm during shoot.
In the middle of russian part of WWII those ATG become useless against tanks, but used as great anti-sniper guns and anty-vechicle guns.

PTRD and PTRS could be used only against light and middle tanks - maximum T-4.(with great luck)

Ill reply in the “What hit this tank” forum to keep things clear.

Would appear this one might need to be renamed Anti Tank Guns. Does anyone have pics of these guns??

Soviet PTRD:

German PBZ 39:

German Ofenrohr

German Panzerfaust:

If any of you played United offensive you will have some experience using those PTRDs. (no broken shoulders though.)

Yeah, as well no mashed brains on walls after good sniper’s hit… :lol:
Thats great for gamers, anyway.

What do you think was a better anti-tank weapon?..The German Panzershreck… Panzerfaust or the American Bazooka. I believe the British had the Piat but this was hard to arm and inaccurate. However I did hear if it hit something it did alot of damage.

I’d vote for bazooka :lol:

As I know nothing of that field, I will have to not vote. (and i have no time to learn) lol.

Interesting, perhaps someone has statistic about the nummer of tanks destroied by different kinds of weapons?(especially - for infanry(i don’t mean AT guns- just granades, bazooka e.t.c.))

PIAT was the best of the lot - no launch signature to give the firer away means no nasty machine guns tearing you in half just after you fire.

Did any of you guys ever have a real PIAT in your hands? Do you know how f*cking heavy this thing is? Also, cockimng this thing is a nightmare. I tried it and didn´t succeed (though there might have been a trick with it). The PIAT I had the oportunity to handlebelongs to the Prinses Irene Brigade Museum of the Royal Dutch Army.


Exactly what I heard. But i have never fired or seen one up close. A complete mess but did hear if you did get thru all the crap and hit something it was usually quite effective.

Exactly what I heard. But i have never fired or seen one up close. A complete mess but did hear if you did get thru all the crap and hit something it was usually quite effective.[/quote]

Id say most likely the Panzerfaust, but i am just guessing… What did the Russian army have as an anti-tank weapon? did they just steal the large quantities of German Panzerfausts? or did they make thier own?

Edit for typos (was a bit tired last night when I wrote it)

You’re a gamer? Glory be. I thought you said mentioning a game when discussing these things…

I think the thing that hit the Abrams was an anti-tank gun. If you eliminate other things…

Would an RPG leave no explosive damage to speak of on the exteriior? Nope. Would it make a tiny hole and shove something small through so much of the tank? Nope. It seems to me to be something like in one of the pictures posted by Preatorian. Consider also where it was hit: right on the flat side of the armor. Someone was taking aim at it there for good reason.

That’s my thinking about it.

The Russians had the aforementioned PTRD and PTRS 14.5mm anti-tank rifles. Not much use against the larger German tanks but still useful against personal carriers and scout cars.

Also a lucky shot could penetrate armoured glass and kill crew or throw tracks to disable a medium tank.

To be effective on even a lightly armoured target an anti-tank rifle needs to hit a critical part like the engine, crew or fuel otherwise it will only help to improve ventilation.

Apart from those, the Russians used anti-tank grenades and captured panzerfausts. I don’t know of any Russian made copies.