Why was my thread deleted?

I just wonder why was my thread “Sex and propaganda” in the Multimedia section was deleted?
I mean it is not like it was as much sex centered as on propaganda.
Plus there were not message about it. Just a quiet sabotage.

I hate to say this but I dont know and I hope the mod will explain for us…im curious myself. I sorry I didnt get to view that thread. Did it have explicit pictures of some sort?

Anyhoo its gone and im would like to know myself?!?!

That is not a big deal as there was not much info there except a linkl to the site about www.psywar.org
There is a page about WW2 propaganda leaflets exploiting sex topics. Some of them were rather sick though retouched.

Any way there is still link to that site in the WAR CRIME thread…

I read that thread 10 hours ago. Not sure what happened since then.

Anyway the link is wrong. The original link that you’ve posted is http://www.psywarrior.com/sexandprop.html (thanks to the history of my browser :wink: )

That is right. I linked directly to the page about the sex propaganda leaflets because that is the one I found in Google. I thought it to be interesting as I read before about these leaflets but never read specifics of it.

Anyway, I do not mind it is deleted. It is just I do not think there is any reason for it.

Exactly! We try to figure what happened. One of the mods deleted without any warning or it’s a software glitch? (remember the odd e-mails received the other day).

We’ll keep you posted!

No idea, I always send PM when I move, delete, close topics, and it wasnt the case.

In any case you should do your reclamations by private message not in here.

Just a quiet sabotage.

Dont be dummy, save the sabotage claim for yourself.

…How interesting… :l

What is a big deal? Is not the part about “Site” and “Feedback” qualify for a question like this one?
I got no message and did not know who deleted the thread so I addressed all of the moderaters.

Dont be dummy, save the sabotage claim for yourself.

Do you have no sence of humor what so ever, comandante?

Any way, I do not care in this case. Just figure out what happened if it a bug or what else.

Got a lead … we are working on it! Sorry for the inconvenice. Some of my admin powers slipped my mind for a bit. :smiley:

Maybe the ebulliten or whatever the forum is run by has a filter for sexual threads?

I doubt this was a filter of sexual threads coz this thread has exist for the some time.
Could our ww2admin banned this thread without warming?

If the our moreratot themself do not know about what going on on the our forum.:wink:
May be this is a poltergeist.:wink:

[b]Forgive me! I think I caused a undeserved scare here. I have narrowed down the problem and there is no reason to worry. I have found the reason for the deletion…the actual why is not determinded yet. There could be a security issue but highly unlikely. This will soon be determinded.

Please accept my apologies for blowing this out of proportion. I did not think it thru properly before annoucing my confusion on the issue. Please dont worry…every thing is under control.

Egorka please feel free to reopen the thread if you wish.

I actually feel too lazy to reopen it… :mrgreen: