
Wikipedia ( It’s not WWII based exactly, but it offers excellent info on alot of aspects of the war because it can be edited by visitors.

YEAH!,wilkypedia always saves my as* ,it´s the best of the best

Most definately! :smiley: :smiley:

Wikipedia is an excellent site. It provides good general information, and is especially useful if you really don’t know where to start looking for something.

Beware though - it’s not the be all and end all of human knowledge. The contributors are human and are thus falllible. Often, printed media will have gone through a more rigorous peer review process than on-line media, reducing the chances of errors creeping in. What you find on Wikipedia is probably right, but it’s not certain. This is especially true with regards technical matters.

I believe what your saying about Human fallibility, but most of the info ive looked up there has turned out to be extremely accurate. Sure we make mistakes, but Wikipedia allows other users to correct those mistakes.

Wiki, most usefull site to get information, but like crab said, allot of the articles are contributed by normal people. You or I can log in and write something or edit an article. There are people higher up with more control who peer review the articles, so most of the time the info is ok.