Wilhelm Keitel - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

Wilhelm Keitel

Wilhelm Keitel

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/colorizations/28973/wilhelm-keitel

Wilhelm Keitel

(born Sept. 22, 1882, Helmscherode, Ger. — died Oct. 16, 1946, Nürnberg) German field marshal. After serving in World War I, he held administrative posts from 1918 to 1933, after which he became minister of war (1935) and head of the German armed forces high command (1938). Although one of Adolf Hitler’s most trusted lieutenants, he was generally regarded as a weak officer and served chiefly as Hitler’s lackey. He signed the act of Germany’s military surrender in 1945. After the war he was convicted at the Nürnberg trials and executed as a war criminal.

Ah yes, "the grave-digger of the German Army." His execution, fair or not, was probably not completely unwelcome to some of the men under his former command…