Will pdf27 & Nickdfresh Get Post traumatic Stress Disorder?

From all of the banning we’ve been doing lately? I think we’re already exhibiting the classic symptoms such as being a bit trigger happy and paranoia. :slight_smile:

Incidentally, we must have about 20-30 user ID spammer bans between us this week alone…

I almost banned Rising Sun* because I thought he was trying to sell us Cialis or something. :slight_smile:

thats not right man

Ha ha ha :slight_smile:

And I almost banned Egorka after he linked to himself in the “spammers” thread. I don’t think that was PTSD though, just a combination of repetitive strain injury and conditioned reflexes.

It seems like every time I log on now, I’m banning, or rebanning, someone.:smiley:

It’s actually kind of fun, almost like a game…

That is not possible! Why whould Rising Sun sell something he needs himself. :wink:

Eahhh… that was fun! :slight_smile:

Cripes. I leave the forum for a couple of hours to go for a walk and when I get back Nick’s banned another 3 spammers. Someone get that man therapy, quick!

I find drinking heavily helps…

But if I ban someone actually talking about WWII, and not erectile dysfunction drugs, you’ll know why…

Remember to keep the scores, there may be a SPammer Banning prize in this…

D’oh - now he tells me. I had been keeping a copy of the “you’re banned” email in my PM out box until the weekend, when I emptied it as it was full up. I think I deleted about 40 of them…

Im back now so I can help out. Keep up the good work guys!

Hackers, spammers, vote of no confidence posters …

… I hate 'em! :lol:

Nothing of that happens to me, actually I feel better after banning this kind of people. :wink:

Still got spammers and those people who try to sell stuff ey

For the defence of our glorious and uber fourum of WW2incolour, Hail the Mods!