Willy Peter Reese - A stranger to myself - German Forces | Gallery

Willy Peter Reese - A stranger to myself

Willy Peter Reese, born January 22, 1921 in Duisburg wanted to be a an author all of his life. In 1941 he was drafted into the 95th Infanterie-Division and sent to the Eastern Front. In lulls during the fighting and in the trenches he wrote his diary from 1941 to 1944. In 2003 his notes were published as a book called "Mir selber seltsam fremd" (A stranger to myself). W.P. Reese is listed as 'missing in action' since June 26, 1944 near Vitebsk/Belorussia in course of Soviet Operation Bagration. http://www.amazon.com/Stranger-Myself-Inhumanity-Russia-1941-1944/dp/0374139784/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

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I just purchased the book because of you sharing this interesting information